No Frills: Karabela

Her experience meant that she already knew what to do to care for an infant, had a lot of the supplies she needed from the care of her son, and could simply indulge in the pleasure of the very early symbiotic relationship between herself and her two daughters

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Inner Demons

They formed an odd symbiotic relationship, needing each other to survive. they even talked sometimes like when the wolf first made the deal.      another scream shook the floor, edward stomped his foot down, trying to quell the creature.

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It pretty much boiled down to the fact that kyle and lune were in some sort of spiritual symbiotic relationship. lune said that they were now one of luna's touched, with their souls somehow connected. yeah, complicated stuff.

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3. Forging a Bond

It is a true symbiotic relationship." symbiotic. the term conjures images from biology class--organisms reliant on one another, a balance of give and take. jake's gaze falls down his furry feminine body which he finds both unnerving.

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TEASER- Reading One's Feelings

In others we forge amicable, sometimes even symbiotic relationships with towns and cities, though we make it a point to remind them we are nobody's servants. and in an increasingly larger capacity, we find ourselves being...

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The Fall of Duhey, Chapter One

Through the symbiotic relationship, an average warrior could become famous vicariously, just by being in the presence of such a powerful foe.

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Susan's story 3, they get their sitter!

Their mental link a good sign that the seed in her sister is growing nicely, becoming a stronger symbiotic relationship. "huh?

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The Price of a Host (Vore Story)

Cera and her tail were in a symbiotic relationship...that seemed to go wrong often, especially relating to the snake's appetite. he would eat and eat and eat and only she would get fat because of it!

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RH's Brachina

It is generally considered a mutually symbiotic relationship since brachina tend to need a lot of grooming and attention, while in turn, imps need their protection from anything wanting to eat or squish them.

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Invasion of the Tentacle Monsters Chapter 4

This had become a utopia and it developed into a more symbiotic relationship with the sentient beings of the planet. information had a new way of being transmitted as everyone now had the ability to meld with others.

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