
"we are one" he says quietly. sleep claim him quickly after he rolls off me. i lie next to him, my head on his chest. "yes my love, we are one" i say running my paws over his fur.

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New Experiences: Rebirth

we are one in the same. it is time we resolved our issue with stitch. he already remembers the pain i caused him. but he's after you. you won't win with the slacking you've been doing.

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we are one. he can't repel who he is. "it's you who created me. all the evil you watched while you were looking out of your windows. those who kill en masse for their so-called freedom.

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Fur one and fur all! (Part 7)

It tells us that we are one of many animal people developed to be part of america's new armed forces. there were forty-two males who volunteered and were eligible to have their genetics altered in order to create animal people offspring.

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Deviant Delights #22 - The Harmony of Obedience

we are one." "we are one," gd-01 replied, before turning to resume its normal patrols. they all had a lot of work to do, but none more than the newest drone.

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Home Sweet Farm Chapter 10 "The Truth"

Cause, we are one in the same. but, we leave behind the stain. that cannot separate." she could see him in the back with his eyes closed playing the drums as best he could. she never knew he could play them of course she didn't know much about him.

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Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen part 25

" stu we are one ,and we will stand together from this threat of humans,and will protect you like the family we are. " simba told us simba sat by us,as the other lioness nod in agreement,to there king.

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Unexpected Adventure (C-snake)

"we... are one for eternity..." ...... no idea how much time went by, kon woke up. the pink liquid on him had evaporated, leaving only his white seed dried up on his purple scales.

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The Harmony in Discord: Victoria

are one we are one leaves fly away sinful to stay but we need them not for we won't leave this spot drift away into the sun with thoughts of none fade away as we stay one  

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You Shall Stay: Awakening

"we are one." "one." in unison. mewtwo's tail confidently slithered into three's orifice once more, and this time, three's tail slowly penetrated into mewtwo's; both began to fall into a state of ecstasy that saturated the atmosphere with energy.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 67

I will feel your blood flow over my tongue and i will listen to your heart beat slower and slower, until we are one." she hugged him fiercely, pressing her body against his so tightly it was as if she hoped she could merge with him right then and there.

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