Astraifort Estate 0.8


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Astraifort Estate 0.7.b

Good day Demons and Demon Hunters! I bring you Astraifort Estate 0.7.b which should be ready to be played at the same url as always. This version is a bit more special than the others because this marks the completition of the first half of the...

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Astraifort Estate 0.9

Play at []( as usual :\>

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Astraifort Estate 0.10


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Astraifort Estate RC1

As promised, here comes the first release candidate for Astraifort Estate. First of all, like I promised on twitter, I placed a little sneak preview on the Master Wing for the players who complete the full run. So that should help people I...

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Ouija order Lover - Chapter 4: Mauravio

Ouija Order Demon Chapter 4: Mauravio By Whitepython "Of course I don't believe in demons, ghost nor that of that crap, but I still think that purchasing and adding that hotel to the business is a bad idea, Emperador has a very bad reputation as...

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Ouija order Lover - Chapter 3: Raidrel

Ouija Order Demon Chapter 3: Raidrel By Whitepython An unexpected text conversation began on Raidrel's cellphone, not knowing that it will be opening the door for him to recover his forgotten belongings, but he might just be taking with him...

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Ouija order Lover - Chapter 2: Ignardo

**Ouija-Order Demon** **Chapter 2: Ignardo** **By Whitepython** Ignardo the Doberman pinscher waved goodbye to his fellow employees, rushing to the back door of the bar he worked at, he pulled out his cellphone from the front pocket of his gym bag,...

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Ouija order Lover - Chapter 1: Jaxel

Ouija-Order Lover Chapter 1: Jaxel By Whitepython '_I am tired of being used and dumped! It's just not fair..._' Jaxel repeated in his mind over and over again as he was busy, and naked in his basement. Jaxel was an average looking shark; even...

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Hotel Emperador - Chapter 5: Alderocobaladrite

Hotel Emperador Chapter 5 - Alderocobaladrite By Whitepython. Xaduardo sat on one of those stylized tables at the same café where he met up with the Wolf to give him the bad news three days ago. However, this table was placed inside the area...

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The Idol of Giadral (Pt1)

The Idol of Giadral (Pt1) By Whitepython Brurneo the red Foxclosed the wooden slatted door behind him in a hurry. He pressed his sitting body against the back of the small closet as he tried to keep his heavy panting to the minimum. He hoped to...

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Hotel Emperador - Chapter 4: Mr Viennomante

Hotel Emperador Chapter 4 - Mr. Viennomante By Whitepython Xaduardo didn't care about what the owner and manager of Hotel Emperador, Haonel Viennomante, had to say. All he cared about was to buy enough time for Alroc. The wolf was sneaking into the...

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