Light Reading

There are no books, just binders with loose sheets of printer paper in them. pulling one off the shelf, you open the cover and flip through the papers to a random page. you look at a line of narrative and start reading it silently.

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Virgin Virus - Ch11: Anatomy

He took the binder from the trash bin and dropped it in the incinerator. it took a second and a half to turn the plastic binder and its hundreds of pages into ashes.

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Dr. Servo Serviced

The new hero threw the super-binders across the room, and threw them better than he did. one caught him by the upper bicep on his left arm, while the other caught his wrist on the right.

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same shit different day

He quickly stuffed his homework into his binder, and his binder into his backpack as he hurried up to get to bed.

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Maneki's Anniversary

Maneki turned and saw that he already had the arm binder in his hands. "of course master." she said, placing her hands behind her back for him. gently he took her wrists and wrapped the binder around them.

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A new year~ 3

As the math teacher started to end his lecture i opened my binder, all it was , was a bunch of doodles and gushy poems. nothing interesting, really...

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Zara's Academy Life

He asked as he fished out his binder. "assignment three," she answered as she did the same with her bag, "there are just a few questions i don't really understand." zara let out a slight sigh as he placed his binder on the table.

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Repaying a Favor

Reluctantly, juno disengaged from perry, unbuckling the cock leash and laying it aside before doing the same with the arm binders.

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Healing the Soul Chapter Three

Zel handed her the binder and duotang, "as promised. the binder is filled with the complete chapters of what your mom was reading last night. i figured she might want to keep reading it." tammy bounced in her seat with excitement.

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The Dare Club

Sometimes she removed a card from the binder, added it to her own deck on the table, then took a card from the deck and placed it in the binder where the other card used to be, without making a sound.

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A change in pace 2

"oh i'm fine, but my science binder isn't. i don't know how i'm going to study for my unit test tomorow." i laughed and pointed to my chemistry binder, which was lying right in the middle of a huge puddle.

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Jimmy's Day

Its not like you know magic very well and this rare binder is almost as big as my trade binder for magic... at least i hope it's a rare binder." she said looking it over. "well yeah it kind of is.

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