Koopa Kourtship [Commission]

brimstone in the air?" yes, you think - yes it is. a lady like you only settles for the best scents; and you always preferred imperious brimstone... "with a hint of charcoal."

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011 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.03

This is where the brimstone and hellfire comes in, liquified enough to be drunk and neutralise the fatal cold from claiming your life.

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The Story Of Immortuos

Let's start: pov: 3rd "my name is zackariah winter brimstone," the dire wolf says, his head tilted towards the floor, "but, most of you know me by the title immortuos. immortuos is a latin word, which translates into the english word for undead.

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Love in the Time of Chorrol 4 - The Devil

He wasn't afraid of the fire, or the brimstone, even if it made him an orphan. it was the eternity that scared him the most. endless torment while awake.

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The Seeker, Chapter 7

I had just eaten a brimstone cookie and it made me sneeze, it's not my fault the calendar was in the way. my saliva bursts into flame whenever it hits anything. whomp!

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Culling the Fold

No fire today, no smoke, no brimstone. into the gentle fold they are culled, and the guide which leads them is their own hand. they are not bad, though they are not good. they are mistaken and misplaced hope--without hope what is there?

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Worth It!

It smelled like alcohol, brimstone, sweat, and..um, wet dog? i look around this fancy house were in. now that i think about, this doesn't look like a house, more like that tavern down the street. "happy birthday zennix!"

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Biker Mice: Killing Time

Taking the brimstone backbreaker! have you got a death wish?" after a second of wait, vinnie hung up on them. modo and throttle looked at their older friend and informal leader.

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A Journey Begun - Epilogue

After he'd retired to regain his strength, his best minions had expanded his empire so that it encompassed the whole planet, a vast network of tunnels, caverns, chambers and chasms, all full of fire and brimstone.

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A little Self Indulgence

The smell was a heady mix of sex laced in musky brimstone.

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The Seeker, Chapter 32

Plus the brimstone was first rate stuff, well aged and crunchy. sulfur and other mineral impurities gave it a nice range of flavors too. i like the green tinted brimstone best; it's tangy and tickles my nostrils.

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The Seeker, Chapter 13

She threw brimstone cookies to her pet for awhile, and he either batted them into his mouth or over to the man-eating plant.

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