Being a caucasian shepherd even his coat was average, a plain off white with black around his muzzle. where he was anything but average however, was online when he played world of warcraft with his online friends.

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You're Completing Me

Jessie, jun, and mason looked like a typical, caucasian and happy family, although the bearded male's face was covered with rather nasty scars as he got hit by an entire claw.

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Pokémon: New World (Prologue: Lost at Sea)

I'm caucasian, six-foot-nothing (though according to the army, some of my family are six-foot-one and i'm taller than they are), and 170 pounds. i have brown hair, hazel eyes, and glasses.

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The Wolves of Twilight: Fallen Angels -- Prologue

When seth looked in the mirror, he saw before him a boy of five feet exact in height, skinny framed, with a well-muscled barrel chest and six-pack abs (he has bulk-type muscles), all covered by caucasian skin with a slight tan.


Adventures in Carnal: Chapter 1

His skin was caucasian and bore several minor scars from his training in his youth. his hair grew to his shoulders in a dirty blond color, but he kept it tied back in a pony tail so it wouldn't get in his face in battle.

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chapter 2: of fists and honor

That is, until, his friend, kain, a caucasian young man, dressed in tripp jeans, and a black shirt, with long, black hair, came rushing to him in a angry panic from the nurses office. "luka... luka!" kain shouted.

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Chapter 1: Here There Be Tigers

I'm 33, 6'2", 190 lbs, caucasian, good-looking, clean. just tell me where and when."_ his last email had said: _"monday night at 6:30 at the mall sounds good. i know where the washroom you mentioned downstairs is.

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Venetia - Chapter 1

Beside her holding her hand is her grandson who appears to be a normal caucasian human boy, one of the few humans in this way of life. very few are born "normal" & even fewer who are stay. dressed in jeans , no shirt.

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The Event

Instead of the lightly tanned caucasian skin i was accustomed to seeing, there was greyish brown fur running up the length of my right forearm. i looked at my left, nothing.

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Secret Santa TF story - Jmillart

The paper of the scroll was like a mirror; reflecting his blonde hair, blue eyes and caucasian complexity. he wasn't really sure what to think of it, and after staring at it for a while, he set the scroll down; feeling some form of disappointment.

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The Physical

Jackson was a tall caucasian man, short brown hair in a world full of creatures that could talk and shared or exceeded his intellect. the fact that the doctor was a tiger was nothing unusual but the fact that jackson was human was.

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Part 1: The Dawn of a Deity

A human caucasian male of 6'3", brown hair and dark blue-green eyes stood before the glass that made up the front of the bridge. you could see there was more to his smile than any particular form of happiness.

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