Butterflies and Bourbon

Police issue 35511-86-c to officer jennifer cornell. please submit to a retina scan to your left miss cornell." all police issued weapons had a tiny microchip inside them.

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The Changed chapter 2

There is blood everywhere.there are 3 or 4 dead humans all surrounding the cornel. if it wasn't for his uniform you would never know it was him.

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Fursona Adventures Chapter 2 WilsonB. Greene Part 1

He didn't care too much about it, he was too excited in getting accepted in the university of cornell.

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Broadening Expectations

"mistress cornel, all my life i've been teased as a lioness since i could not run very fast, or for long. even in my family, i could see the distaste my own mother gave me in thought.

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Chapter 1: Arrival

As always, this commission is from cornel, and all characters used are just for this story at cornel's permission. do not use without asking first.

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Mind Control University: Aleah's Story

When i got there, i saw principal cornel, or mistress cornel as we were to address hir in private, was there with my old parents on a video screen. i was asked to talk about my studies in school for the first few days, to put their minds at ease.

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Rest In Peace.

Chris cornell died today. he was formally part of the bands "audioslave" and "soundgarden".

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Piece de resistance.

cornell's eyes glanced up, narrowing slightly at the sight of the table awaiting him with an expectant, dismissive air..

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Apartment E-7

"well my name is cornell" said the coon. cornell, luke remembered the name. it was daniel's friend that gave him the money. "daniel had been party hopping for a few days.

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Research is Important! (Fuzzy Magic Micro-fic)

I grabbed the closest one, cornell, and unhooked his straps. the overalls fell to the floor revealing a tight, lean body. i couldn't believe my eyes. especially when i saw what he was packing. i couldn't stop staring. i was frozen.

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Kampf der Götter I - Der alte Konflikt

Kampf der götterteil i by cornel captain james "ice" wilson lag in seiner koje auf dem c deck, des unterwasser trägers ueos saratoga. er war pilot der neuen jägergeneration der delphin klasse.

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Erlebnisse eines Urlaubs Teil 2

Diese Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum meinerseits. Jegliche Veränderung und Weiterleitng ist nur mit meiner explizieten Genemigung erlaubt. Da diese Geschichte expliziete erotische Hadlung enthält ist diese nur für Personen die mindestens 18+ Jahre...

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