Second Fiddle

#11 of dragonrider expanded universe steadily and stealthily, the utopia is extending its reach into the outside world.

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The Valley of Wonder

The whole thing was as far around as her thigh, and inconceivably girth for any ordinary creature, and maybe even too much for a dragonrider.

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Ride the Storm

"you \*are\* aware that dragonriders ride nude?

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Dragonrider: Second Flight

And for those wondering, this is the sequel to dragonrider. so if you haven't read that one, i recommend reading it first. check it out here: where dragons rule: dragonrider that's enough rambling. happy reading.

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Face Your Enemy

# face your enemy - chapter 17 in the chronicles of the dragonrider the blasted lands was a place where few visited voluntarily, and those who did were almost uniformly unpleasant.

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Arctic Twilight

**the end** coming soon is chapter 6 of the dragonrider chronicles: lands of the horse-people.

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A Lurking Monster

"look, here's what's definitely going to happen... in a few more days, the dragonrider will return from her vacation.

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2. Mate again

Jack roused from his sleep, the heated, lust filled memories of the last night still burning in his head. He lost track of the day as he was still in this locked lair. Only a time candle at the side of the room gave him any idea what the time was....

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The Tomb of the Golden Knight

The end next on the list of attractions: chapter 12 of the dragonrider chronicles: temple of the bloody dawn cult!

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Birth of a Dictator

#6 of the dragonrider legends as deep questions loom, a welcome distraction appears before blake and anitra.

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1. the bounding

It was dark as a Caucasian male looked out over entrance of the great library of dragons. He wore a leather suit that made him look more like an assassin then any of the riders. He had good reasons to wear such clothing; he was not yet a rider and the...

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