MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Chapter Three

Until then though, she bid everypony in ponyville good night while formally trotting back indoors. **++++++** unknown to the princess of the night, unknown to the princess of the day too, unknown to everypony within heavily secured canterlot for that matter

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First, Last, And Only Letter

This is a very serious, and sensitive subject, everypony, so if you're deeply affected by things like this, then, don't read this story.

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My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic: Friends Beyond Magic

Since everypony argued about which show was better to watch, twilight sudjested that they all take turns. everypony gets an hour to watch their own show.

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Red Delicious

An' then ah went ta the hay burger down tha street, bellied up ta tha counter, an' said, _how'd ya like ta tell everypony ah eat here?...

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Floral Scent

"well i...i don't know if i want to tell everypony about us." twilight said, looking down at her hooves. "i'm worried what everypony will think of us." "don't be worried." celestia said reassuringly.

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Discord Sits on Celestia’s Throne

"if i could have someone like that under my control, i could probably be distracted from having fun with everypony else." "if it ensured the safety of everypony then, perhaps... maybe i could entertain you." her teeth clenched.

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MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Chapter Ten

For mostly everypony in the room then, for everypony taking part in what would turn out to be one of the greatest moments in equestrian history, it was their first time seeing the pink maned, white alicorn foal that was dawn and dusk's daughter.

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The Ancient Bronie - chapter - awakening to the new world

Who's your friend twilight she said in an overly ecstatic voice this is jim everypony, he's one of celestas old friends and he's staying with me in my guest room rd trotted over to the food and shoved half of an apple in her maw biting it off and chewing

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 8

I turn around and find everypony else already hot on my hooves, sprinting or flying their way over here.

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