Tournament of Transformation – Round 3, Part 1

Ame, one for you, one for you frysco, one for fait, one for yaris, and the last for myself." "what's in here?" frysco asked, the gryfsune holding liquid into the light and swirling it around.

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The Club (Interlude/Part Six)

She then walked to other rooms and saw them in the same form that frysco was in, and two of them in a bed pet form, literally.

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Tournament of Transformation – Round 3, Part 3

frysco said, sitting down in the sofa as the twins grinned. "alright then, watch carefully."

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Freedom Day

There was a red outline on the screen and frysco had to move his character away from it fast. "hah, you've got tentacles." a voice commented. frysco rolled his eyes.

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Seasonal Temp

frysco and kyrio from the waiting room were still male, the former dinosaur had retained his luscious black hair and frysco's arms had stayed a soft green which suited his grey and white husky body quite nicely.

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A Day In The Park

frysco still had his color pattern, even if he was a very large cock.

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Prolonged Exposure May Cause...

"i only wish that frysco wasn't still on assignment to be here and see the remarkable progress that you two are making.

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Writing Stream: Transformation 1

End of tf tseatah critter tf (griffon []( plant) he knew

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Last Minute Shopping

A short time later frysco was spat out onto the grass, completely naked and covered in a strange, clear goo.

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Deep in the Web

Written for frysco on fa. deep in the web by theo winters written for frysco it seemed to utambi that creating a good haunted house shouldn't be very hard. it needed to be dark, with a long winding walk and lots of things jumping out at you.

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