All Day Through

"as long as you don't use garlic," justin snuffled. "i hate garlic." dad licked his lips. "your mom loves garlic!" he grinned, with his tail flapping about merrily.

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Fade To Black Chapter 4 "Their Purpose"

"but isn't he a vampire, he can't be killed except by a steak, garlic or holy water right?"

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Heroes Posessed: Prologue

The wood hut had garlic hanging in strings, along side a few dead chickens, and jars of herbs i could not identify on the shelves. the scent of rabbit stew hit my nose and my stomach announced my waking with a loud snarl.

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Checkers pieces in a chess game chp 3

Oh crap... like the garlic eggs cooking in the main area. god damnit beth, this is gonna be along day.

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Day 1

Oh and some nice garlic sauce, actually, extra garlic sauce!" the waiter almost turned his nose up at me, but as he was writing it all down, i slipped a fifty dollar note to the top of his little clipboard, "and thanks, its been great service."


Patricia's Potion Shop: 2nd Customer (Anthro Lizard TF/TG)

"i'll come back with some and add some garlic to it.' "oh, but patricia, wait!" chris suddenly called out. "i did want one of those potions for later, if that's possible."

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Witch Blood - 01

Stems, leaves, flower buds ... toss 'em in a stew with some onions, garlic, and chicken and you've got a meal!" "but," lyle pointed out hesitantly, "don't you need the onions and garlic for that to work?"

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Heart of Ice Ch.8

"i'll be having the lasagna with a side of garlic bread and he'll be having the spicy red curry noodle soup," markus told him, giving me a glance as i just smiled at him.

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Book One of Rabbits Part 4 of 29, "All of this, is ours. We built this."

He takes a buttered garlic roll. "to each their own, i guess. the wolves will sort us out in the end, right? cassidy?" cassidy gives her brother a regretful, slanted stare.

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It all Started with a Second Coffee Ch 3

As were the garlic knots that were on top. he also looked through the cooler, finding a few desserts that were due to expire soon.

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Look Through My Window

And garlic bread in baskets with pink cloth. and pitchers of iced tea and ice water. and trays of watermelon, strawberries, pineapple. cantaloupe.

Step Forward Zone

- on his plate, covered in cheese and surrounded by greens and stuff, and smelling strongly of garlic. "and so does your burger!" "thank you again, faye," i said, "i gotta pay you back somehow some day..."

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