Relic Town: Slippery Serpents

"i know, i just thought i had what it took, but arceus was i wrong," hydro said with a rueful smile, rolling over on to his back to peer at the dragonair twins.

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Know Thy Enemy, Know Thyself

I just don't feel ready, you know?" he paused a few moments, seeming to look into himself for more to say, finding nothing. "it's probably silly anyway, i know. i'm sorry." talking seemed to help a bit.

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A part of my story saga/chronicle/chapter

"you might also know i'm a whore, right?" she nods. "but, what most of everyone doesn't know about me is my kind nature." she looks at him, a bit confused. "well, i'm a nice guy. and i'm a whore. if a girl wants to get freaky with me, i don't mind.

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The Price of Knowing

People, cultures, customs, nick-knacks and doo-dads... he wants to know it all.

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Knowing the Path…

She smiled at him again, "listen, i know that deep down inside you want to know what your purpose is, and where your place is here, but there is still much more for you to know, and when the time comes more will be revealed to you," she finished.

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Know Yourself

She knows adhara, and even a big, strong adhara won't be able to resist...

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Powers To Know

"i understand this is your first night in a new place u do not know that good and sharing a bed with me a person u do not relly know yet.oh and one thing i have to tell you?" "what?" "have a good sleep."

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To Touch and Know

But i know that god is not forcing the furry federation to be divided by hate. i know he is not forcing them to launch a war against us ... to end their own civil war. i know this wide, weary mess ... is our own doing. we all play a part." a pause.


You know that

"you're meant to take me home you know" "i know" "anyway, i'm sorry i ran off earlier" "it's okay" "i had a great time" and with that she kissed him on the cheek and a huge grin split across damien's face.

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Know Thyself

You don't fucking know me" i felt aggravated and my voice got loud. my hands balling into fists they were shaking. **"i know you more than you know yourself. in fact i'm willing to gamble our entire future on that once caveat."

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The Nose Knows

"i know you would, but i can't. please, you know how i feel." a soft whine escaped his throat as his gaze lowered once more. "i know and i understand.

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Everyone Knows

. ^^ **everyone knows** "everyone knows that you like this." every time someone walked or jogged past, every time a dog walker or a couple out on a pleasant afternoon stroll through the park passed by, arsene whined bashfully.

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