Drag-On Days: The Conspiracy Theories Part II

And don't you even make the excuse about us being magikal. we're only powerful in our might of natural forces, such as fire, water, earth. the wind was lost to us long ago." "excuses, excuses, excyooooooses!" tricia giggled out those words madly.

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Magik & Myth: Falling of the Dusk: (Chpt 4)

It's a small chapter, but brings in an important character, and mentions another. Have fun! \<(^\_^\<)\<(^\_^)\>(\>^\_^)\> ~~~~~ Chapter 4 - Between Solitude & Love "SNAP!" said the piece of wood. Well, it didn't so much say it, as do it, but...

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Chibi MagiK

In a world dominated by anthropomorphic chibi creatures, power is sought through magic, brawn, and cunning.  Some seek strength through taming one of the many feral animals that run rampant throughout the world, many of which possess untold abilities. ...

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Chibi MagiK

[3c6505fbc3f19ff3834e55f4eff48775.jpg](http://wildcritters.ws/data/3c6505fbc3f19ff3834e55f4eff48775.jpg) **artwork by: momiji\_yu-ga** **\* \* \*** **chibi magik** vulpine, lupine, feline, the three known races of chibi who dominate over these lands.

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Illusion of Reality Chap 4

"unfortunately, my magik can't take away pain, just injuries." "that's okay, it's better than the pain that i would've felt if that boy didn't jump into me." drake smiled, and looked to the skies, then back down at her.

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Illusion of Reality Chap 2

He continued watching rachael in wonder, though, as her magik entranced him. she had a few dozen dead butterflies, and one by one, slowly, she brought them back to life. they fluttered around everyone, especially anthony.

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Alucard and Ren their after years

When he gets there, the magik he worked made it bigger on the inside then it looks from the outside. "cleaning?" "no, just moving things around. waiting for you."

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 2 - Winfred's Story; Chapter 7

The door flew open to a flood of angry soldiers and a reek of magikal effluence. wethers' odd caprine eyes narrowed as he realized what hreugh had brought against him; an entire bar full of entranced men.

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Star Memory

They brought things of archaic design: books on alchemy, magiks, runes, and even some from the darker arts. the town bustled constantly, day or night, with the work that soon their true goal would be in sight.

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Call of the Incubus 4: Overdoing It

There was no magiks he cold work on her to save her from her coming fate...she was too far gone for anything to halt the growth of his progeny.

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A chronicle of Lunrba family: Wine and Lament

Gvtre with astrologik, orne and jbys with their techno-magik and the most dangerous of all is harr, their power allow them to go berserk and even infuse themselves with magic.

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Magik & Myth; Falling of the Dusk; Blood Dawn (Chapter 1)

Halo had heard a legend when he was young, that the helm that hung above his father's seat, was actually from the time before, an age of myth, before the rise of magik, when it was said that a powerful form of knowledge known as the science ruled.

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