Sweet Apple

"paparazzi are going to be staring at us frequently. they're likely to give you agita they'll be butting into our business so often." terrance had never seen his boyfriend so annoyed and afraid at the same time.

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The Towel Boy - Shipping Out

"i need you to try and ignore any reporters and paparazzi who try to ask you anything." "why would they ask me anything?" asked michael, confused, "i'm just a towel boy."

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#1 - Q&A

And so he's running around naked and chasing servants in full view so the paparazzi can film the event _'in secret'_ and inform the media." **taxas:**"ah. i...see. is he... is he really going to ravish those boys?

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Chapter 32: The Death of Fox McCloud

Respectable outlets like lylat news reported on the paparazzi's death dispassionately.

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A Day In Fame ~ Chapter 2 ~

Then, the moment of truth, a photo that would ensure that i was recognized, that i would recieve fame and glory amongst all the other paparazzi.

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The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 6 Quiet

That said derevo flew away and then a paparazzi came to marcus to get a story. ''what was that all about? are you loosing the control of your gladiators? how do you plan on keeping order?''

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Spirit Bound Spin Off: The Choker chapter 1

#1 of spirit bound spin off when things diedown just now with the paparazzi, things gets a little heated. as faelen, natnenial, geoff, and liam were heading to their usual spot in the cafeteria for lunch they saw a rather odd fur.

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Jasper's Porn Stars

The paparazzi started to trade notes with one another, but one of them stood back with a smile on his face.

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Chapter 9: Coming Home

Hidden from view of the paparazzi long lenses, she lifted the rifle out of its case, verified that it was still set to emp, and activated it.

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The Towel Boy - Drunken Regrets

Eventually the doors dinged open and rob hurried him out of the foyer to a back exit, looking over his shoulder for any paparazzi that may see them.

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Gray - 3. The Times They Are A Changin'

Let's go and face the paparazzi...' \*\*\*\*\* the 4 band member walked outside, along with brian and ewan.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Thirty-Nine

Heh, i, um, almost didn't have the strength to finish it in one go, especially since i was also busy watching the paparazzi stalking nick."

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