Nyte's Dawning Part1

Nyte's Dawning Part 1 Nytesilver smiled to hirself as shi sat on hir haunches, about fives minutes walk from the village. Hir eyes closed as shi took in the scents and sounds of various animals and plantlife, "Mmm. I don't care what mum says; I...

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Dead in love part1

This story does not affect any other of my other stories, this is just a story I made for  Halloween / part of my holiday series stories.This story contains sexual content between two males,  if you don't like that stuff then dont read any further.What...


Part of the Job | part1

_"Any Nyamco employees not named Mappy please disregard this message: Mappy, report to my office. That's it. Just report to my office, Mappy."_ Mappy rolled his eyes in irritation, the message through the intercom ripping him from the paperwork he had...

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Christmas at Warlock Court part1

**Christmas at Warlock Court** It was bloody cold walking out into the evening air towards the fire log storage shed; he knew it would be, of course, as it was Christmas eve but after spending most of the day in a cosy heated house (castle, mansion,...

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The hunter becomes the hunted (part1)

A full bottle of water is sitting on a grassy bank, motionless. \*BANG\* the bottle flies up into the air, torn apart from the power of the bullet ripping trough it at nearly 3000 feet per second. I said "And thats how I feel about littering!" the guys...

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Guadalamencha; Bull Ring, Part1

Guadalamencha, a desert town of a so-so reputation; nothing special really. There was upper class, medium class and lower class, but that didn't really seperate the people. Upper class kept everything going, Medium class did most of the work and lower...

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Lost 3: The Test Part1

Lost:3 The Test. It's been a few days since the "lessons" took place in Blackwargerymon's basement. It's also been a few days since he'd opened his eyes... Few squints, grunts and a quick paw to cover his eyes: all of the above were done before...

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Part1: Eine Brutale Methode

Heute habe ich mich mal ueberwunden und meine erste Story hier bei Yiffstar veroeffentlicht :) Comments und Kritik (sowohl Gute als auch Schlechte) ist natuerlich erwuenscht. Diese Geschichte beinhaltet Geschlechtsverkehr zwischen zwei...

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Devin and his Digimon part1

Everything began in a wonderful world, where humans lived together with other creatures, like Digimon, Pokemon, etc... This story is about a boy named Devin. He was a Digimon Tamer, having a Terriermon. One day, while Devin was walking with...

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Fairin, the Dracat, Part1 Hatching.

Fairin, the Dracat part 1, Hatching. Story trigger warning, contains non sexual vore, and is not recommended for reading by anyone. The inside of Nyx's lair was always damp, somewhat hidden amongst the underbrush and hidden path under water that...

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By the marble stones (story part1)

_A chill ran pass your spine. You were lost..._ ~~~ A sudden realization of what was going on. The owls singing your arrival to a distant place, unknown, yet familiar. The mist didn't let you see pass some length in from of you, but you still could...

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Yinglet Maids [Romance, dark themes, yinglets, OOPS]

The same as the story whereas the daughter and family are drastically different from the original material this story is written in the format of first person greentext yinglet maids [romance, dark themes, yinglets, oops] by teether part1

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