Uncommon Grounds
Syrrik pulled away slowly, smiling as the peacock blushed hard. "round 2?" the dragon only grinned as he made a grab for the peacock. the two were soon once against melded together - mind and body - in a sea of lust and pleasure.
Tail Feathers
It's been a while," the peacock meekly apologized, trying to ignore the snickering coming from beside him. shrugging, kazama flashed a small, understanding smile to the peacock.
Drink Me
After a few more moments he does and further answers the confused peacock, "this room is the same size it's always been." "wha...?"
To The Naked Eye
Staring at apollo, who was still drying his hair and had no idea of what was going on, the peacock could moan into his closed beak.
From Bottom To Top
The bull glanced over to the peacock and nodded, "we had a peacock last week, sorry bro. we might have scooped you both up otherwise." "well, that's a damn shame." zylen retorted as he grinned and gently pushed his lover into the bull's arms.
A Game of Will
Smack his muffled grunts and whimpers exciting the dominant peacock. "this is fun!"
Here's Looking At You
Kaiea grabbed the still invisible body of the peacock and watched as the reflection of that avian body was pressed firmly against the glass.
You Will Hear a Bird Fall Ch.1: The Welt
It is told by peacock, leader of the biker gang the scissor-tails, and her lover terazosin, a mink that peacock forged an instant connection with when first they met.
Confusion & Frustration
"your body is mine peacock. stop fighting!" with a quick jerk of his hand, a clump of feathers were ripped painfully from the side of blue peacock.
The peacock helped him get up, and pulled him back into a loving kiss.
Gryo's Hatchday Hysteria [Scat]
The peacock gryphon simply grinned from ear to ear, content with the knowledge that he totally called it.
Io and His Panoptes
The peacock was panting, groaning, clenching his thighs around oscar's cheeks and shoulders.