Meet Me in the Hideout (Patreon)

Amazing art by: read the full story here: nothing made dustin more pissy than being pulled away from a party on a saturday night, worse yet was that he was

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Venom Rising- Ch. I A Warrior's Duty

pissy."   lavenderpaw sulked all the way out into the forest. hawkleap's nicknames were so degrading. then, with a sigh, he spotted a squirrel in a nearby tree and began clawing his way up the opposite side.

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Raining Love(Chapters)

In my pissy mood, i abandoned stealth, and silence, and stormed in with a shotgun. boom. threat neutralized. "bitch." i'd say. every time i took a shot at anyone, slamming in doors and firing near consecutively.

Love Within War 8

#8 of dragon wars for a single night i spent inside of the garage because my "mate" has a pissy fit with me making fun of her wrighting or something that has to do with her spelling, i don't know for sure but, being in the garage was a major bitch and now

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Power Outage Holding Contest

Damini then sat in sandy's lap, still both wearing their pissy clothes. "let's get back to our games," said damini.

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KoB - Kiss of Blood - Chapter 3

"we'll see about that if you keep being a pissy bitch." "okay, okay. let's just have fun today, as brothers. i'll stop." i eyed him, frowning. "good." that ended the conversation. not awkward but still points off the brother-brother relationship.

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Bets: Chapter Five

In the excitement of yesterday, i'd forgotten to do my homework, so all my teachers ended up being pissy about that. lily wouldn't stop bothering me and sere had gotten snappish at the both of us, causing him and lily to get into a minor spat.

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"but you are not pissy," he noted. jincea bared her fangs at him, "you only go fire when you are in your heat or just pissy in general. i studied you that well."

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2021-08-16 Writing in 3D Exercise

I wanna ask him why he doesn't just do it himself, but i bet dollars to donuts he'd have a pissy fit if i did. i don't need drama. i'm above drama. people's petty problems are beneath me.

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"I shouldn't have..."

Edna pulled up the front of her skirt and then purposefully peed in her white panties, while using her pissy jeans as a sponge to prevent any of it from going over the front of the seat.

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Damn Phones

Nakai's mood quickly changes from pissy to excited, "i'm real happy for you kilik, when's the wedding???" "thanks, nakai. haven't made a date yet. hey, while i've got you on the phone, would you like to go to the mall with the gang and i?

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The Time of My Life Chapter 6 -- Malls Within Memories

He grinned and said, "i don't live there because my parents were too pissy about having a bi-sexual son, so they kicked me out." i asked him if he had a place to stay, and he said, "not really.

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