
His shoulder crunched as they moved closer to his body, changing his arms into front legs, fitting him in a quadruped stance. he coughed.

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2019-06 - Experiments From The Other Side (Caboose09)

She considered staying inside, but the interior of the building, though capable of handling quadrupeds, was clearly better equipped to focus on bipeds and quadrupeds that could walk on two legs if need be.

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The Jester Among Dragons

A'ex was one of the tallest canines in the group but he only came up to mid-chest on the bipedal dragons, and up to the shoulders of the quadrupeds. each of the dragons' legs was the size of a'ex himself.

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Unlucky (Jarokk, Part 1)

The wolf's intentions at the club definitely weren't pure, and he's handled dragons before- not quadrupeds, not someone jarokk's size, but how different could it be?

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Cat House 2

Just for safety, i'm putting this as feral, although a quadruped khajiit would be insulted to be called that, as i have pointed out in one story where it mentions they take care to wear clothes, etc.

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[COM-15] Juniper and Her Body Image

As a quadruped, she feels her mind is going to waste as the world of academia isn't equipped to deal with a quadruped creature, and so few take her seriously as an intellectual.

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Godzilla: A Friendly Final Foursome (M/M)

Slowly it emerged as anguirus sighed, the quadruped also lapping away to feel his friend's length emerge.

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Wolfen Night

The quadruped wolf growled happily as he gazed upon his smaller mate before padding up to him and nuzzling him.

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Gro++ - Part One

Either way, he cleared his throat and began to read the brief instructions from sintek once again as the quadruped female writhed and shuddered in desperation before him. "to our esteemed and loyal clients.

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A Heaven on Earth

My legs shifted, pelvis, ankles, and knees twisting and melting, and reforming to quadrupedal, canine shape.

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Good Dogs!

Not only was she doing so in order to play make believe that she was a quadruped dog like her sister was already fully committed to role-playing. indeed, not only was she doing all this _with_ her sister, but... "oohhgod..."

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