Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 7
Almost three days in, they finally arrived at the capital of Gryphonia, First Keep.Unlike Canterlot, when they chose a mountain for their home, itwas logically built into the mountain, as opposed to attachedhalf way up. The kingdom of Gryphonia was...
Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 6
It hadbeen a couple months since her birthday, and today she was sword trainingagain; on the barrack's training grounds.She had nicknamed her sword 'Love's Pain', and shecherished it. Leave it to aunty to make sureshe gets a gift is of the finest...
Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 5
Cadance splashed water across, letting the cool liquid wash away the last vestiges of sleep, before drying herself off to meet the new day. On her way out of the bathroom, she crossed paths with her full body mirror, and took a look at her...
Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 4
Well i damned well hope so, the guard is a serious organization." -_'i question that. we never see them do crap in the show.'_cadance thought. "so today we are going to put you through the ringer.
Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 3
After another few weeks, Cadance's walking had gotten to the point she no longer needed help, or felt like falling over, and the Doctor signed her off. This meant she could FINALLY leave the hospital week of the castle. She wasn't quite ready to...
Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 2
Dave....well, I guess it's Cadance now; I might as well get used to that name, woke up as the sunlight came through her window. She groaned and glared at the window, before using her magic to close the curtain. _'Wait! I just used magic!'_ Looking...
Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 1
Dave did what any rational man would do, if they were in the same situation; He let out the biggest, manliest scream ever recorded. Now, the Royal Canterlot Voice gets some bad press from the show, but I would like to go on the record and put those...
Chapter 2: This Love is Serious
"this love is serious," he whispered, giggling softly before collapsing into a faint.
Chapter 33: Serious Head
#33 of the mating season 6: the seduction of seleste the seduction of seleste _from the world of the mating season_ serious head chapter 33 seleste was relieved when keme met her and talisa on the surface.
Serious Feelings and Close Calls
I loved it, and i gave in to seriously primal lust. i decided to play a bit of a trick on him, though.
Love........Seriously!? Chapter 12
Cadance fondly remembered her trip to Ponyville. While she couldn't stay for more than a day on such short notice, she did have fun with the Mane 6; and she did get to see all of the favoured background ponies. She and Dash had really hit it off, and...
Some Serious Drunken Fun
Some serious drunken fun by gruffy 2016 \* this serious commission is for [![avatar?user=200527&character=0&clevel=2](