More Than A Monster - Chapters Ten and Eleven

Though i sometimes grew weary of the long winters and the seemingly endless snowfalls that came later in the season, i'd always enjoyed the first few snowfalls. early in the winter, they were beautiful, peaceful and serene.

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First Snow

He always watched the first snowfall though, and some wretched thing on his wrist wasn't going to ruin that for him, even if he caught pneumonia! he flinched as a feathered cloak was wrapped around his shoulders.

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Threads - Tea Leaf

As for alex, it was time to step out into the light and calm snowfall of the saturday morning. the roads were equally as calm as the snowfall. perfect. alex had previously bought a brand new car, a bmw z4 just last week.

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 15B

Howling wind and thicker snowfall was the only response i got and it just buried the remains of the ambush.

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Three Little Words

The snow fell softly, the lights of the cabin glowing through the windows, curtains open so that they could watch the snowfall.

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Hail, the Living Legend - Tale I

Then that hand would desperately help pull its panting, naked owner - a healthy, physically fit young human man in his mid to late twenties - out of the piles of snowfall.

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The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch1 - An icy journey

Using minimal focus, his mind connected with the powers stored within, releasing them in the shape of flames, spouting out of his palm as they climbed towards the snowfall.

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Island Map

3 - arctic biome, contains high mountains and heavy snowfall. low temperature and strong winds make it difficult to survive without insolated protection. waterways are often congested by ice flows, making swimming dangerous.


The Art of War

The snowfall never ceased; if anything it grew stronger as night settled upon the land. alaran was freezing.

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Heavy snowfall did not stop his frantic fight or flight response. run! run ! run! his mind shouted. landing on the fresh snow with a crunch, his body did not stop to get its bearings.

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All's fair... Ch. 3

Snow began falling lightly, this time it was more likely to be a continuous snowfall as it had happened every year; a blizzard, a day or more of calm weather and then a snowfall that lasted nearly the rest of the winter.

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A Peter Gray and Simon King Christmas (story gift)

The fox and the wolf suddenly found themselves laughing, with peter in particular slapping his knee as light snowfall dotted their headfur and clothing.

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