Let's take it slow

storyboard is by me but art is by kokuhane. characters of caleb and arden belongs to kokuhane as well. been meaning to write this for a while now. it's been in development for months in fact but couldn't make the time to finish it, till now. enjoy!

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Session No. 9

I'm into animation, storyboard stuff, the selling of art, all of that fun stuff," he explained as he stood upright. kane was only slightly taller than me, but he was pretty damn ripped for an artist.

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Rain and Snow, Chapter 8

But my storyboards are almost done, and my animation assignment is... coming along." "poor thing. how about after finals we meet up and i give you a nice massage?" "that does sound nice." jim took in a deep breath as she built up some courage.

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A Sadistic Romance - Part 1

I'm curious, that must take a lot out of you to figure out first the story and then how to actually cover it all in panels... like storyboarding for a movie but less dialogue... i envy you... i just get told to paint to help with my rage."

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The Half-Moon Tribe 4

Yes i am writing it and yes i have a storyboard mapped out, sorta. i know the direction is probably not what a lot of people would expect but hey, i'm having fun writing it. =) once again, all characters are copyright to me, tiberius rings. enjoy!

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Sibling Rivalry: A weirdly depressing few days in the life of...

It brought her to a forum that, as she browsed it, sounded a lot like the storyboard that mindy had said they were a part of. and from there, she browsed, and browsed and browsed. all day.

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What Was Broken [11]

Within hours sean had scrapped the first commercial, storyboarding out another that would make the currently running commercial look like an intended initial release.

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Savannah's Midnight Oil

storyboards and such. she was pretty damn good at it too.

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Science Fiction is Intense (Illustrated)

He actually sketches most of his own storyboards. sometimes he's referred to as the father of director's cut since he releases such top notch ones." kezhon's eyes flicked to o'neice, studying her face for question and interest.

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Ill Mind Of Bartan

Setting, storyboards, the works... that was all them, next to none of it me. and i'm getting so damn tired of taking credit for it all.

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Chapter 3

I shall conceive a storyboard by next meeting." "need some help with it?" cassidy offered. "no, we shall tweak it later once i've informed the rest of the club. until then, it would be best if you returned alone from now on, jim." "hey?" he asked.

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The Long, Cold Dark, Chapter III: Fame

"i've got storyboards to show you," the koala continued, oblivious of the stallion's audible groan. "you fight an entire army. stomping tanks, swatting fighter jets, the works. but they're just playthings to you.

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