
His head shot up and saw to his suprize a large chunk of rock hurdling down the mountainside, heading straight for lara. "the next thing i remember was waking up in the shadow of a tree.

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The NewBorn

I asked sounding suprized and shocked. "i followed your scent and caught the humans..." he trailed off, i sat down on the ground sighing.

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The forest pleasures (a story about two wolves)

She mumbled but then snaped out of it 'i mean no no it doesent stop licking me' he smiled and licked her again as he saw a shiver go through her spine again, he put his tounge to her folds then pushing his tounge into her hole, she looked back at him in suprize

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Dark days are over

Dawt looked suprized and looked away. razor sat down, blake turned around to see what mrs. dawt was so shoked about. razer had a scar across, his eye, even his pupil had a scar through it.

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The Story of a found Myth

She was suprized to see that someone had saved her from that hunter but she was also scared. that the wolf that had saved her was dead! she jumped when the wolf suddenly stood up.

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Happy Birthday My Son

Turning his son around the father knelt down and passtionatly kissed alex loving the taste of the pup's maw, pulling him closer as he gently probed his mouth with his tongue suprized to feel alex's tongue playing with his own.

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Chapter One: Getting A Job

The receptionist then ushered me to the door that, when i walked towards it, slid open revealing, quite to my suprize (sarcasm used), a completely white room.

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HardClone: Chap IV

She got a suprizingly firm grip back from the young anthro. "gretchen." she said back absently. then she smelled her. bethany had that distinctive warm musky odor.

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Summer Vacation

To his suprize the wolf was amazingly cute. he had cool grey fur, with white neck fur, which jamie guessed taveled down to his crotch. his tail was nice and poofy and was wagging slightly.

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Feline Fantasies - Chapter 1: Striped Heat

To my biggest suprize she reacted after a short while when she got used to it and stuck out her toungh as well. as i enjoyed the rough tiger toungh with all passion, exploring my own mouth, i slowly petted her on the head.

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Ghost and Kane

Then he pulled away which suprized me at first. then i got it. he didn't want to end this just yet. hearing the kane's door open i sat upright on the toilet wondering what i should do. "come on.

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