Doctors Log Ch.3 Doctor Love 1

And yes that could mean you wont be forgiven. there is nowhere that states a person must accept an apology, and beating a dead horse wont save its life.

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Sera Fina part 3

That shed wont due, nor will your parents living room where i am staying, too big to much air would get cold.

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leiric does it again

Lieric mumbles to himself "i got to make sure i dont eat this human for once or i wont have anymore friends."

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New Life Pt. 1 night 1

I wont save you , i wont come to your rescue if the guards are beating you , i wont stop anyone from hurting you, we don't have to be enemies but by no means am i looking for a friend before i could say a word i heard the call for lights out , the

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the storm of mind's

For the chaous wont let me alone. my emotion are spikeing all over the place. were am i cant stand this. confusion at every trun. im so lost inside. my soul fell so change . this storm wont let up. fire brun's my mind truning it to dust of memorys.

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A world of Possabilitys Chapter 1. a new school

I get picked on alot and . well i wont let any one mess with you. we all have blood in our veins. we all got a heart and a brin were all the same we just look difrent."

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Painful Reminisce

Painful reminisce reminiscence of the essence i feel knowing these deepened wounds wont heal and sorrow turns into an un-caged fright fore i'm truly scared for every night and sin goes upon this aching sin as i go through a struggle


After School

"just promise you wont tell anyone please" i told him.

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Walmart Digi-Blast :try again another time

You don't even have the power to defeat me " he said with a laugh " we'll just have to test that out , now wont we !"

Worlds Apart Chapter 2 (Awakened)

"clam down it's ok blaze i'm just as confused as you i died in the egg with you but my spirit was always with you i was never able to cross over not that i wont to any more."

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digi kimi Chapter 16: Welcome back Ty

But everyone tried to clear their mind that ty wont be coming back for a while, to they all wonder about and all randomly met at the park where ty normally take james for a walk, and where he is always on a saturday with kindergarteners.

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