Dresden Station Chapter 1
He saw himself so young and helpless, still collecting action figures while his brother risked life and limb for his country in a far off land. he dropped the toy on his bed and studied the ribbons on brian's pressed overcoat.
Snacktime with Gale
Poor gale was barely 6 inches tall, not even the size of most action figures. and with his arms tied together with the dental floss dragonien was using to dangle him, there wasn't much he could do about his situation except worry.
Meet Danny (REDONE)
Since i didn't know what he was planning, i tried to get away but he overpowered me like i was an action figure, nothing i did would even make him budge. the first thought that came to my head was "great, he's gonna fuck me in the ass.
Growvember Day 23
He looked liked a slightly larger action figure to me. "first, they don't like it, and i don't like it. but...they'll allow it. for now. if it goes too far though, they will use force.
Grease monkey Chapters 1-3
Everywhere he gazed, there was something... shelves of merchandise modeled after the young hero, action figures, tee shirts, holograms, trading cards, any bit of rev runner merchandise one could imagine was in that room.
Fishers of Men
When he was still of kindergarten age and too young to have much of a sense of hygiene quite yet, he would put his little action figures in his mouth. some of the fish and mammal children became scared of him.
The Problem With Being a Boy Toy 1
Of course sid would be okay, he had his gameboy, his favorite teddy, all of his action figures... most important of all he had his computer, and it was almost eleven o'clock.
Family Tradition IX: Boy Scouts
I have you as an action-figure!", another boy shouted excitedly and indeed produced a surprisingly detailed toy that resembled grunt very closely. "i'm an action-figure?", grunt was perplexed. "yes!
Old toys, action figures. there was some furniture, too. there was an old dresser filled with old clothes, about my size. i found an old game console, too; there was even still a game inside of it.
Things That Go Hump in the Night
Bob lets arcc run off, following behind him, smiling as the boy oohs and ahhs over all the fun games and action figures. it isn't to long before the little fox pup runs back to the grown up holding a box. "mr. doggy sir.
Omnipet Stories: Alpha 677
Binkle picks up a murderwagon action figure from the bedside table and says, "he makes a great action figure. all i ever got were stuffed animals that vaguely resemble me." jaxx walks by the door and peeks in.
Stereo Hearts
She quickly became a tomboy, always preferring action figures to dolls, boyshorts to panties, and boys to girls for friends and play. she knew she was a female, but as she grew up, she grew a preference for pretending to be a guy.