Mass Effect: One Krogan's Cure Pt.2

Mass Effect: One Krogan's Cure Pt.2 Commissioned by Yolk It was a boring night in the security room, same as it always was. The Terminus systems were known for danger and lawlessness, yet you wouldn't know it here. This facility had managed to...

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Atari's Gym: Keep It in the Lockers

Atari's Gym: Keep It in the Lockers By Danath \* \* \* Though the gym was busy, there was little noise besides the hum of the lights and the low rumble of the heavy duty fans circulating fresh air into the large main room, though the constant scent...

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Summer Camp part I - the Egg Race

This is the first story set in Pine Lake, a summer camp designed to teach, inform and train young men in sexual skills and knowledge. For those with a dream of becoming a worker or entertainer in the field, Pine Lake is the place to be. All characters...

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Hunger and Hubris: Another Type of Feeding

"Oh, there you are, sweetie. Finally coming to?" Nicola let a groan push from her lips, rubbing her jaw - the entirety of her upper half felt like she'd gone through a thorough tenderising and straining. Her body was snuggled against something warm...

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Forest Sisters

You decide you need to get in on this. Rounding the tree, you silently make you way towards them, both pristine asses bouncing and jiggling at you. As your shadow falls over them, Hanna looks up in surprise, the other notices and turns as best she can....

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Helping a Coworker

Luvian in "Helping a Coworker" By Danath Freebies Vol. 84: Themeless Edition 2, Round 3 Luvian & Chelsey © Luvian \* \* \* As far as decorating an office went, this job wasn't the most difficult. Luvian glanced around the small outer office for...

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Toothless's Tentacle Torture

One fine morning on the Isle of Berk, Toothless, the Nightfury, was walking through the woods, to meet a friend. "Toothless!" A voice said from around the corner of a tree. "Clarence! Been a while!" Toothless replied,...

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Seeing it All the Way Through

It was always a fantasy of mine to be taken by Nox. It was a fantasy I knew to be an impossibility as Nox was the nicest guy you could ever meet. Warm, bubbly and full of joyful laughter that he shared with everyone. That's what the big feral drake was...

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Hustles All The Way Down

Nick's philosophy was that the best kind of hustle was the one where the mark never even realized that they had been hustled. Most of his schemes had fallen into this category, usually thanks to splitting them up into smaller parts, sometimes even...

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A Madam's Vacation

A Madam's Vacation [Content Warning: breast expansion, tentacles (vines), all the way through, aphrodisiacs, nipple penetration, seed insertion, mind break] Tree branches creaked in the evening breeze as Heratsu took in the familiar, tempting...

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Face Your Enemy

# Face Your Enemy - Chapter 17 in the Chronicles of the DragonRider The Blasted Lands was a place where few visited voluntarily, and those who did were almost uniformly unpleasant. It was a wasteland that made even the Great Desert seem like a...

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Trojan Breeding Horse

Genevieve gave a long, thoughtful hum at the girl's admittance. They were both drinking, sure, but, if she was serious... "S'you just want to be a 'free use' fuckhole, so to speak, dear?" "Mmh, yuh. Like, y'know those pictures where someone's like,...

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