Wolvesbane -Part 3-

Perhaps the drug's effects was distorting his recollection, but peter could witness clearly in his mind's eye the moment each bitch succumbing to the same animal behavior peter and valerie did now, panting like horny dogs as they offered their rears

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Gaia and Malum: Chapter 1

**skills:** computer technology: 4 blacksmith : 3 blindfighting : 4 animal lore : 4 animal handling 6 animal anatomy 7 animal behavior 7 acrobatics 7 craft/create 6 detect lies (psych) 3 foraging 4 freefall 7 herbalism 4 identify

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Abandoned Story - Dragon TF journal

This would give them insight into the animals behaviour and life that would be compromised if humans were known to be near by. they would be observed by one of their own.

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A Leopard's Tail Ch 5

"i know a good deal about animal behavior, and seeing how they react to you might reveal some things about just how much you change into a leopard.

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Blind Love

She remembered reading about something about animal behaviour when she could see, but a human? "what is going on, why...ah?" lara gasped as she stripped her panties off, feeling the insides to be soaked with arousal.

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Wolfhood: Chapter Three - Reconciling

Heavy breathing masked both faces, aiden close to allowing his tongue to loll out and pant once more in exhilaration, holding it back so he would turn vivian away again from his animal behaviors.

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So A Husky Walks Into A Bar: Part One

Most people are freaked out by them; the fact that they're a lot stronger than humans, their facial features, and the animal behavior that sometimes sneaks through.

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2.1 - Decompression

The crazed animal behavior. it practically mandated confinement to quarters. and, after her rumored activities on that station a few weeks back?

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3 Dawgs, 8 Legs, 1 Excellent Homecoming

He took off his hat, shoes, and field uniform shirt--he was an animal behaviorist, for the type that didn't walk and talk like he and vincent and much of the rest of

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Wolfhood: Reborn -Chapter One: Deformity-

The symptoms, the animal behavior, his urges, the dreams and illusions; aiden was hard press to admit what was happening to him considering the criteria he should have met to even possibly be cursed or infected.

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There Be Monsters Out There

Something about these animals' behavior doesn't sit right with me." now she was speaking the truth. everything about the wolf's actions earlier was just different than what she would expected from a wild animal. "perhaps there is more going on here.

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Bandits, Brigands, and Baddies

Jammy, putting to use his knowledge of animal behavior, managed to beckon it closer. before he could capture it or learn anything about it other than its curious and playful behavior, it was scared off by one of the more ferocious beasts.

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