Solace y Graciano

Finally, at the end of hellina's tirade on the nagorno-karabakh republic, the bell rang, and i finally left the school and walked down the gray path in my blue sweater with no hood, and a blue pair of jeans, my everyday get up.

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Army of Shadows: Chapter 3

He wore a blue sweater vest, a pair of black pants, and a trench coat. i couldn't quite put my finger on it, but there was something about him that seemed familiar. then...i saw it...well...them, more precisely.

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Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 8

He was in his twenties now, and instead of a costume wore a blue sweater and a pair of brown shorts. his normal attire. he probably could have gotten away with still wearing a costume when handing out candy or something, but it felt a little foolish.

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Filling the Christmas Air

His other hand grabbed hold of his blue sweater and pulled it up. "wha-" he mumbled, his body moving on its own to slowly undress, throwing his sweater and sweat pants onto the floor.

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Young Love

sweater hung over her hands and half of her thighs.she looked at him and tapped him on the sholder,then watched his gray wolfish tail twitch as he raised his head..

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Fursona High: Chapter 2 A Different Kind Of Party

The fox did not want to dress too formally, and he had chosen to wear a light blue sweater and not too tight polo jeans. the husky had dressed with a dark green jacket and dark blue sweats. they strode quietly up the sloped crest to the door.

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World Divided: Chapter 4 - Coping

He was in a casual, dark blue suit and she wore a light blue sweater with a light pink skirt; behind them was his family's house.

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Sirius: Book Three - Project EPSILON: Chapter 2 - Alphabetic

Alpha, wearing a thick blue sweater and jean-cut, black corduroys slipped back out from under the console before placing himself in one of the craft's two piloting seats. "beta, get up here and help me fly this thing.

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Dragonheart Part 12

Then he glanced in his closet and pulled on a blue sweater over a red leather jacket and brown pants and went downstairs. below, he first looked at the clock and was shocked when the clock read: quarterly after ten.

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The Underground Truth

She's holding her face with her blue sweater, and hitting the table, but holding back the screams that are sitting in her throat waiting to be unleashed... in the mist of all this she's talking to herself saying "you told me you wouldn't leave me z...

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Y Serena?

She pointed to a boy with a blue sweater and a nice haircut. he nodded his head at me and waved. "welcome to vaniville town. the name's calem. i live next door." "the renowned professor sycamore lives here in the kalos region."

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The Family Jewels [4]

Her blue sweater and jeans hugged her body comfortably and her heels fit just right. _i'm so fat... that's probably why he didn't want to stick around a little longer.

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