The Temple of Tiankong Xiaojie

The scope of it was massive, and perhaps accounts for the greatest human death toll from any such happening in the history of mankind.

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Finale of the Taboo Market Industry's Fall, Part 1 - Deeper and Closer to the Taboo Market Industry's Core

"with those women's bodies mutilated to death, my genocide increases in death toll," he thought with the demonic tooth he hung around his neck, courtesy of lucy ferr, the one who got the tooth from a cursed demon skeleton.

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Chapter Five

In the end, the death toll was way over eleven thousand and it became infamous as the most violent loss of life since the formation of modern vulnira.

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Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 32

Like all corporations, luminex kept what happened to it from becoming public, but the death toll couldn't be hidden. it had been in the hundred.

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Meridian Prime: Epilogue

Unfortunately police were unable to take many of the criminals in the house alive and the final death toll at the end of the night was twenty seven.

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A tail of magic and mystery chapter ten

#10 of a tail of magic and mystery chapter ten two weeks after the virus outbreak, the death toll is in. 50,000 deaths mostly in countries that don't have good healthcare.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 3

It was the first time in many years a death toll was that high. one million people perished by a supernova accident?

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Gravity chapter 6

It usually kept the death toll down, not that it mattered to them much. the observation area's had shields to protect the viewers, but anything not in the shields was fair game to whatever carnage took place.

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The Legend Of Spyro: Perils Of War CH 1

We have estimated the death toll to over six hundred thousand civilians and four hundred and fifty thousand soldiers."

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Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 4

The death toll was outrageous, unwarranted and for what? so that one, insignificant group of people could strip-mine an already inhabited world. ''remind you of something?''

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death toll: 356 million. all four inhabited worlds of the castabar system were destroyed after one world used the mechanisms of an antimatter reactor to make bombs. death toll: 32 billion.

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2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 11

If not for them the death toll would have been much higher." he paused, looked in the holographic glass, as if he was considering his next words, or maybe finishing his drink. theo was amazed at how alive he seemed.

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