Of Wild Flowers and the Knots Inbetween
Her paws find my front shoulders, giving them a deep massage as she rubs up and down my front side, getting me all soapy. bubbles lather my fur, slowly eating away the the grime i acquired while romping around outside, revealing my shiny brown coat.
A Major Miscalculation
Her hips humped and thrust hard and fast, her fingers plunging deep, massaging at every corner. in her mind, she imagined them being the deft, hot tongue of her one true love.
A Little Ice, A Little Fire
Occasionally she took it in deep, massaging it with her throat muscles. she couldn't take it much, nearly choking when some of my pre-cum started pouring into her throat. afterwards she pulled off, stroking me with her hand.
Sex Club A Gray Muzzle Story
Tracy lay face down on the mattress, and jason sat over her, giving her aching shoulders a deep massage. as he reached forward, she could feel his sex creeping out of it's sheath. tracy turned to jason.
Your Laquine Hermification Orgy
There's a soothing pleasurable effervescence as your chest plumps up, like a deep massage that somehow has a champagne finish. "don't keep the poor girl waiting. get in there!" sable says, before snapping her fingers.
Happy Holidays: Brought to you by Comfort Transports
Finally, after another hour or so of deep massage, the pod's scans showed that its occupant's body was no longer in any pain and was in fact in a rather deep state of relaxation.
Adventures In Deep Space (WIP)
Lifting up and sliding the wet panties off then reaching down gently spreading the folds while inserting a finger deep massaging the flesh inside causing a deep moan to emit from his throat.
I Like To Watch...Twelfth Glance
Joe was kneeling on the bed and applying a deep massage to my brother's legs.
Spotted Firsts
No spot was left untouched as she scratched with the very tip of her short nails, fingers easing between his toes and over the backs of his paws in a deep massage. "aw, does that feel better?" she crooned as he rolled on to his back.
Being Mom's Partner 4
._ he sunk further and further into the bed, groaning under his breath and savoring the feeling of the deep massage. his arm could not move anymore, and his back felt like someone had both beaten the crap out of it and taken it to heaven.
Prime Beef
It functioned as a final and deep massage, as the feet kicked heavily against the mighty obelisks of naga, with thick slaps echoing into the room as a result.
Vector's Memoirs; The Chaotix That Was (Part Two)
Or maybe just a nice, deep massage to start it all off - and more, if the masseus packs a d-cup or better. with enough bread, nothing's out of your reach... or out of her mouth. and let the record show that's a reference to tattling.