A Prince's Tail

Sarabi does the same and the two continue to watch the future king, now relaxed and fun, playing with his best friend, without thinking about magic. the end

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Simba and Nala’s First Time

All the while awaiting the arrival of her best friend, who just happens to be future king, and is hiding in the tall grass behind me hoping that this might be the one time where he'll actually be able to pin me. that ain't gonna happen.

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Lady Fit for a Dragon

When the day came and she finally became a lady, her father introduced her to a male, and told her that if she wished, she could be his wife and make him prince and future king. she looked at the male and shook her head.

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The Harem and the Himbo, chapter 1

Holding the ear of the future king? it sounded like the perfect escape. and even the thought of bearing future heirs didn't dissuade her. after all, who would be more influential to a future king than the mother of his children?

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The Lead Crown, Chapter 2-6: Thaddius

As the future king of lehsunia, it was thaddius' task to look after his subjects.

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They'd Never Let Us Know

A loud yelp rang out through the ring of dirt surrounded by trees followed by another ferocious "growl" from the future king while balto and sarabi shuffled to stand side by side, watching pup and cub chase after one another, dirty even after a bath with their

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The King and His Beauty

She would talk to kovu but he's too busy preparing to be the future king of pride rock and also he's being busy with his wife kiara.vitani never pretty much mingled with the other lionesses, even as a cub, she never had friends due to zira telling that friends

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The Lead Crown, Ch 5.6 Thaddius

There was a degree of calm euphoria about spending time with brother maynard, relaxing and enjoying the late hours of the night when they didn't have to be future-king and future-advisor... where they could be 'supplicant' and 'priest', 'son' and 'father

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The youngest ArchMage: Prologue

king gaylen the sixth lowered his head once again and clasped his hands together. "let it be as the maker fashions. i am his creation and he is my creator. let his will be done."


The Lion King: Zazu's Pleasure Slave

Unbeknownst to the little lioness however, right now the young future king was getting some stern 'motherly advice' from sarabi, and was most likely not going to up at his usual early time tomorrow. to be continued....

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Stolen Rite of Passage [Ending 2]

With just another hard push against his prostate, the future king too roared out within the cave. simba's body shook and his untouched shaft throbbed hard between his spread hindlegs.

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The New King of Hyrule

His scrotum gleamed with hylian saliva after a while, and yet he did not offer a single word of thanks to the submissive knight; such was his duty now, to the future king.

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