The Newlande Legacy: Ch1

Phonis whispered back, "my parents think they should be teaching us the geography of earth too... so i had to remind them that the continental boundaries on earth have changed more times than my mind on a multiple choice quiz."

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"i am going to ask you a single question, multiple choice. if you answer correctly, then you may go free. if you answer incorrectly..." the fox smiled. "you may still go free, albeit slightly changed. fair?" leof considered.

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Winter Breeze Epilogue

Life is one big test full of multiple choice. at some point in our lives, we have to make decisions on which answer would be the best suitable for the given situation or problem. and sometimes, the brain isn't the only one who has to make decisions.



"multiple choice, and he circled them all." added kanth with a sly grin. the border collie just stood silently, staring at the heaving teddy with a mixture of compassion and... something else.

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Escaping the War

The mri computer analysed the person's health based on the scan, their medical records, and a few multiple-choice questions that i'd answer. _"has the patient consumed any recreational drugs recently? (a) no, (b) yes, (c) they are hesitant to say.

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Junkyard Dogs

It was a simple multiple choice exam with all of the typical questions for engineers within his field of study.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 54 - The cruellest lies...

'that's what i always did with multiple choice tests. i always ended up with a five or lower.' 'but what if you had to choose between two people who are both equal to you...?' 'it's about catherine, isn't it...?'

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The Game Chapter 1

"well, it's less like a questionnaire, more like a multiple choice..." he chuckled. looking over the board, he found a few quill-looking objects.

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Mizalin-on-Sky: Away on an Airship

In addition to more general information about the natural park, the booklet also had a map of the visitor centre and the nearby hiking trails, a schedule for the day, and finally a worksheet section with several questions of different types--multiple choice

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Millie's Private Lesson

"multiple choice: was john locke born in 1362, 1263, 1632, or 1633?" millie didn't think her mind would lose the information that easily, but she was losing focus from the feel of the vibrator.

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The Search for Sethis: Part 2

Sometimes, it's not as easy as multiple choices. sometimes, you already got the choice forced on you and you just...go on with it. i sure you understand what i mean, given your past."

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