In Another Life Pt. 4

He tucked the parchment between the old writing desk and the wall, which took up most of the little nook that made his portion of the room he shared with mother and sister.

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The Golden Trinket

He transformed this room to appear like he was in a medieval den that had rocks for walls, an old writing desk, and wooden furniture to really seal in the deal.

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The Risen Curtain - Chapter 15: The Interview - About Mages

"the codex was based on old writings, like the code of hammurabi, but it also was inspired in the same rules that non-mages created.

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A Day in the Life of Egad Nob

Directly in from of the head of the bed was an enormous wooden old writing desk with two ceiling high windows that led small slivers of morning light in the room through not completely drawn curtains.

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Following The Heart, Part 9

She ordered each of them to study the old writings first, to see how the heart, stomach, liver and other pieces of anatomy were meant to look according to the jungle monitors, and then she tasked one of them with opening the healthy, feathered raptor.

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Curse Of Bliss

She immediately told the authorities to not allow anyone near faelor ever again, and also like the old writings in ragas; she deliberately avoided saying what exactly is in faelor or why it should never be visited- simply telling them it was a horror beyond

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Elanie and the Thing

old writings, older than anything that remains." "and it's called 'panties'?" elanie felt as if she were about to start giggling and wouldn't be able to stop. "we live in panties?" "no, it's different.

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A Shameful secret Chap 5

Once merl lit the lamps he sat down at a battered old writing desk, looking around dunlup realized that the only other place to sit was the rodents narrow cot.

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The Witch, the Train, and the Pocketwatch

To imagine, it was like trying to read paragraphs of 200 year old writing from a postage stamp. \*oh, here it is. it simply states that the powers go dormant until needed again.

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I decided to look back at my old writing and try to incorporate my new style into it. it's a challenge but one that i love. i want to thank some people, too.

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The Maw of Man: Part I

"you're not supposed to look at the old writing." sevla blinked, looking at the hand prints which now stained the cover of the old book in grey dust, shaking her head as things returned to normal. "you're not supposed to have that book! give it here!"


Recipe for Change

It was an old book with a worn leather cover and fancy, old writing. curious, shi went over to read it. as the words slowly sunk into hir brain, a sudden flash hit the husky. shi gripped the counter in shock and stared at the book. the book.

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