Misplaced Trust

The snake was steadily working its way down her body, the wide open maw ready to take in her head. lyanna had to crane her neck uncomfortably to the side to try and keep the thing from drawing it in as her arms had been.

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The Bouquet. By Archangel Vulpine.

Next came the horse, continuing the trend of being the biggest by filling marcus' open maw and covering the top of his muzzle. the only one remaining was the second dog. marcus fought the urge to swallow while the dog was stroked by his partner.

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A Trip in the Woods

Athel smiled with an open maw and eyes all scrunched up as he gently rubbed the back of his head. his tail hung low and his hind paws pointed inward just slightly. i heard a heavy, deep thump coming from within his chest.

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The Tiniest Doctor PART 1 [sizeplay, vore, medical]

As he was lifted to the tigers open maw, he could instantly smell the hot wind that rushed out of his mouth.

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Morning Would Be Fun

A soft moan could barely be heard from the sister's open maw, her paws moving to rest on her brother's paw. phillip realized what he had done and immediately threw himself away from her, nearly falling off the bed.

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Favorite Snack

The moogle let out a nervous kupo as he stared into that open maw and started to squirm even more, only to have his entire upper body shoved in and licked over.

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Just a quick one.

Breaking the kiss as a wild howl ripped from his open maw his shaft throbbed and pulsed rapidly within her as the male thrust against her g-spot, barbs extending fully while hot, potent seed pumped into her inner chamber and assuaged his sexual needs.

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Silver's Bad Ending

The tail swung around, meeting an open maw, filled with drool and sharp teeth. silver's screams were muffled by a closed mouth, and a mouth full of dragon's drool. at the risk of choking, he swallowed his pride, and the drool that invaded his own mouth.

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Mind Your Mother

With her mouth agape, she thrust forward, pulling andrew towards her open maw.  with a soft squish, his head hit the back of her throat, his feet kicking as her lips closed over his chest.

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Spelunking with Athrilla

She was in there, kicking her feet as she fell into the opened maw of the box. my annoyance and slight admiration of her assets soon gave way to a frightened flinging at the chest when it slammed tightly shut upon her.

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Jaguar Temple 11

The goddess tilts her heads back, the opened maw of the serpent wide and dark. she holds the elf up high,alli's toes the first things to feel the brush of the tongue and the hot breath.

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Splash Damage 1

She aims the yellow stream right into his open maw, causing him to reflexively swallow, stop in his tracks, and start sputtering and coughing. she spins around and grabs another, holding him up in front of her, getting him sprayed by his allies.

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