Showmanship (A2B3C7)

I was a cop, man. my driving skills rock. just hold tight." reno grinned. evan straightened his back in the seat and sighed, feeling helpless. "so, uh, what's the difference between our run-flat tires and the ones used by the secret service?"

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Results May Vary

A police man started asking stuff but i just acted cute." ryan said, reaching into his pouch to pull out the metal box he had curried. he looked at it again, black letters etched into the almost blue metal, "who is doctor julian?" ryan asked, looking up.

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Early Works - Orion X

A police man screamed as he went down. they ran out of the alley and turned right. it was a dead end! but there was a blue pyramid made out of triangle panels. orion! they sprinted while getting the flux capacitor out and activating it.


Size Matters

The police man held something in his palm. "okay..." theodore still wasn't completely sure of himself. the older male continued to climb before he placed himself near the chin of the very large boy.

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Brothers of Vash: Chapter 1 - First Heroic Act

Said the curious police man they let down their guns when they saw the robbers bound up. they examined the claw marks on the vault wall.

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Moon Cursed

I tried to get the police man to understand that james had been killed by it. i babbled over and over, but he wouldn't listen. none of them would listen to me. they ignored it and told me that my wrist was horribly damaged.

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Mystery of Pokerus Prevention

"no you're all mine." the lucario says with a smirk as it gets ready to alter luke's mind like the police man before. "think again." damien says tossing the master ball at the pokemon. "no!"

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Road Dogs: The Passenger

Greg the police man. the public servant, grinned a nasty grin. "oh, no? hahah!" he laughed loudly spilling beer as he stood up with a grunt. "boy, what has gotten into you? i think i'm going to have to teach you some proper manners!

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The Adamant Scar's Retribution!

The police man asked. i replied arrogantly, "i want all the cash out of the tills and for all purge workers to enter the building unarmed!" "alright. just let everyone go and you will have your demands met." they said trying to trick me.

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Siblings: The Series - Episode 13

I remember a police man, but it seemed like so long ago." the doctor entered the room and sat down beside her, leaning over her bed. "in a moment, but first, how do you feel?" she bobbed here head from side to side, "better then before, i guess.

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the Dalmatian under the tree part two

If you asked us in kindergarten the answer would have been fireman or police man but for me it was spiderman everybody laughed and in year four a police man, an astronaut or to be in a movie and if you asked us in year ten a lawyer, a sports star, an actor

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Routine stop - Kelly's comeuppance

Kelly sneered at the much younger cop. man, they really would let just anyone wear a badge these days.

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