A Commission Jordan Drunken Puking

Maybe if she could just get to the kitchen in time and slam a red bull, surely that would help the worst hangover she had ever had in her life.

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Love Wins it All

Barry looked around until his eyes met a huge red bull, with darker hands, black hair and fangs protruding from his lower jaw. he was in an elevated wooden outpost, positioned in a way to be barely noticeable in between the trees.

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Tales of the Demon Fox Rayne and the Lawyer

The big red bull man snorted. "you want accounting... down the hall and to the left." "although i think you'll find it empty this time of night!" the minotaur grunted, pretending to return to his shredding work.

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A friendly visit

The big red bull explained with a embarrassed look, as the goat rolled the bulls nuts around inside that velvety sack. "if that boy was anyone else's son... i'd of had his nuts off already."

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Eye of Excitement

He was a red bull, with dark spots and almost-black green hair. he wore glasses, and had short horns.

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Scents in The Wind

So the young, chubby red bull, with dark spots, almost black green hair and short brownish horns, adjusted his glasses on his muzzle, as he saw himself wandering the verdant prairies of the southeastern valley that early afternoon.

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Luke (chap. 2)- longing

. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i managed to get chapter 2 up faster than i thought due to two cans of red bull and a case of extreme

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The Grinding Halt

Getting up at seven to be in my prettiest shape so that i would be at the studio at nine for today's shoot was not my favourite part of being in this business, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, so there i was, a bit bleary-eyed, a can of red bull

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Mareboi's in training...

Slowly pushing that thick red bull cock deeper, making the roan stallion pant and moan through his big round equine nose.

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Homecoming Out: Epilogues

"i dunno, i had four beta blockers and i'm on my third red bull. anything seems feasible right about now." "oh. maybe the red bull and beta blockers are what you're feeling then?"

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Protein Shake - Part 1

The fox started yelping in confusion, held in the giant dog's paw like the tiniest can of red bull, with his dick forced between the middle and ring fingers.

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Ass-Bared Ushioni

In a flash of sparkling light, abare ushioni appeared before him, the massive red bull braying in rage before dropping his head in a guarding pose.

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