Tales from Anthracite City 9: Red Light Entertainment

He had been watching her interactions with the other resistance fighters with mixed emotions.

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Cole's Not Good, Very Bad Day.

For a while after that they'd been refugees and resistance fighters. now they were just slaves. he was shoved forward again, stumbling and nearly falling, hand coming out to catch himself against the wall, leaving a smear of blood on the stonework.

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Chapter V: Hybridpalooza, Part One

"right here, we have the first resistance fighter; how does it feel to know your two brothers are being sent to space right as we speak?" president asher asked before turning the microphone back on the prisoner. the prisoner cracked a smile.

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High Card - A Parody

From hidden spider holes, resistance fighters slung grenades into the tracked wheels of slow moving auto-tanks. lyle's unit is mobile, using modified pickup trucks and the occasional humvee to bring heavier weapons to bear.

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Chapter XI: Via La Resistance, Part One

The president looked at the series of signals and was ashamed to see that one of his prized ships was destroyed, but it seemed that maybe some of the resistance fighters were taken out.

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Maverick Hotel Part 30 (NSFW)

Any civilian suspected of aiding local resistance fighters were tried without a jury, but the list of enemies gradually grew until the penalty for treason included a person rolling their eyes at a devout soldier.

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The Bird and the Bees... err, Wasps

For these resistance fighters, this mission was their last, best hope of victory.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 22

The flankers had been dropped here, olliver presumed, to flank the attacking resistance fighters, or perhaps even to infiltrate their underground tunnel base in the absence of a large number of fighters.

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Whether it was blowing up supply depots, sabotaging communications lines, or rescuing fellow resistance fighters, he was usually the one in the field getting it done.

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Aphrodite City 7: Rise of the Castigator

resistance fighters and nato military units clashed with armies of robots and genetically engineered mutant... zombie... things.

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Baklava (A1, B2, C14)

Well over a hundred thousand civilians died - women, children, and resistance fighters." yiayia frowned. "the deities are sitting up there in the celestial realm, refusing to help. how long can the specials hold out?"

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The Gate-Way: Chapter 3 – Not In Kansas Anymore

Then he would have to find a village with resistance fighters, if he was in france, he thought. he had to get back to britain, though now he didn't really see the point. the last person he ever cared about was dead; there was nothing left for him.

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