Custos Cor

Nightwing swallowed hard once more, staring out over the horizon for a moment, watching the sun setting and then giving her a shifty look.

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Murphy's Law

Bill prompted the shifty looking dockworker with a nudge from his rifle, which proved to be more than enough to open the flood gates. "i saw what happened to that turian, the other one, he shot him!"

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We're Gonna Have A Bad Time 6 - Skull's Well That Ends Well

_ moonclaw started to bite at her lip with increasing nerves as fishclaw sat beside her, trying to soothe her stuttering panic and shifty looks with a calm radiant smile and concerned eyes. _"moonclaw."

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Tales From The Beast City: A Gnoll's Story

It was almost night now and the shirtless workers that toiled all day loading and unloading cargo had vanished, only to be replaced by shifty-looking sailors and all sorts of vagrants.

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The Folks in the Woods, Part 4: Different Worlds

The question was answered, though, when someone came to the door, and she heard frand talking softly with a shifty-looking man, apparently the only sort of private investigator that frand's meager income could afford.

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Nathan and the Stallion Ch. 2 Dawn of a New Day

His two cronies, a shifty-looking weasel and a feline of some sort with bad scarring across one eye, quickly followed. they glared at nathan sitting at the bar. a human being served in such a classy establishment was just as noticeable as they were.

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Spirit Force Adventures! Ep 5.5

He gave the mutt a shifty look. "ehehe..." he completely dodged the question! "well you don't have to worry, alright? you're part of the league. been that way for over a month now, and i don't see that changing."

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How the Fuck did I Get Here Ch 2: Asshole

Behind the couple was a shifty looking blue belly lizard. his gold necklaces and blue belly stood out against his black scales.

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A Game With Friends

The other two, a shifty looking jackal and the gray squirrel weren't smells or faces he recognized. he then turned his eyes back to alex. the burly wolf had quite the toothy grin. "i'll go over the rules again.

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Blood in the Moonlight 2

A black cat that walked on two legs and a short shifty looking troll with an overly large nose stood beside the two and eyed them warily. angel managed a weak smile and tried to ignore the two digimon.

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Judy Hopps, Corporate Cop: Part 1

"for instance, if i spot a shifty-looking fox jumping the fence." judy set off for the skimmers parked next to the main office. nick shrugged and followed after her. "you sure you picked the right career?

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