The life of Red the red panda

wave sent me flying into a tree knocking me out i was sure the village would be running over here to investigate.

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Leonard Wolfe Biography

Is capable of producing fire, water, gusts of wind and shock waves at will to attack. with preparation light, dark and time can be utilized. heavily relies on someone to cover him due to vulnerability and lack of any robo.

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Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 24 | Chip

A shock wave flies at the boys who dodge it the best they could. a long crack is left in the wake of the attack. "scramble little bugs, scramble!" tusk roars. "you can run all you want but you can't hide from me!

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Mitriaria (chapter 33)

In a gush of fury, he created an explosion so big that it produced a massive shock wave that melted everything, like an atomic bomb. all the shadows were disintegrated. zander had to create a magic bubble to protect himself from the extreme heat.

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Melissa's room...

waves of pleasure up her body.

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Gin and Raiu

Raiu threw a shock wave at it, follow gin as they sprinted for the field. the stantler was slowed enough that they beat it out, and through the gate, latching it behind them.

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day 16:... Empty like a drum

Kross was talking about sending mana as a shock wave like signal of energy to get everyone. i'll have to run it by ryker and necross to get it approved.... those two seem glued at the hip sometimes... who's there? oh, chris!

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Alien Bodysuit Maker Ch1

She screams, as a shock wave of pleasure comes over her. he smiles and gurgles as he laughs as he shoves the probe into her cunt. a sharp scream comes from her. she struggles and pulls the straps as the alien probes her repeatedly.

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Legend of Animor Chapter 2

Then i just started thinking, why did i, and only i, see the shock wave. no, matthew was there, too. we saw the shockwave while everyone else didn't.

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where i came from chapter 2 (caves suck)

The shock wave from the blast destroyed the glass surrounding the spinning arch and caused it to go into its final stage of operation. the air in the room turned foggy due to the damaged machine.

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beat me

wave of **feeling** through my body barely pain because there's so much adrenaline pumping through my veins just shock waves reverberating through me hitting_physical_ **animal** present not being trapped and suppressed in my own mind everything being drawn

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"OverDrive" - Chapter 5

He didn't understand, maybe something was wrong with his hearing, that shock wave must have jostled his brain. his ears were twitching, but he tried hard to keep them pointing forward.

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