Be Careful What You Wish For

She gagged lewdly around the horse dildo while the other one stuffed her all the way to her cervix, slamming against it over and over, grinding over her g-spot just inside her cunt as well.

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A different kind of game

"can't be bigger than the fact that kevin used the horse dildo." "or bigger than the dildo itself." james added, making everyone at the table burst out laughing.

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I Love Ewe

At that moment, mary had her eyes closed, feeling the realistic stallion dildo deep in her passage while her body clutched it tightly.

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Roommates With Benefits: Chapter 9 (Platinum Patreon)

While he still balanced his bowl of ice cream in one paw, he set the suction cup base of the horse dildo on the ledge of his bed and then turned his backside to it.

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Training the New Bar Dog, Part 5

All 30 inches of the horse dildo slid in and out of the border collie's gaping ass like a well-oiled piston, pulverizing his guts so fast that kassam was sure the canine's insides had been completely obliterated.

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Goodbye Gift

I thought she was going to kill me when she opened up that horse dildo. _ he snickered to himself as he set the lid to one side and wrinkled his nose at the sickly sweet scent. _ugh, what is this stuff anyway?

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Master's Wish

The shepherd glanced up at the camera one last time, biting his lip nervously as he stood over the chair, the horse dildo's massive head resting at his entrance and making him shiver from the sensation of the cold lube against his tender bud.

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Clopper's Journey -- Chapter 3

Bound within his personal stall in the ranch's stables, with a massive horse dildo jammed up his hole, there was nothing mathew could do about the feeling other than anxiously see it grow over time.

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Cock Growth Story: The Princes' Toy

The damn thing was bigger than a horse dildo at this point, and definitely thicker. it didn't help that the prince was damn near drooling over it, making it out to be some great, godly thing.

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Big bellies 6 after a movie

My horse dildo is really getting used lately, i really should get a flared one with a cum tube" brandy says softly rolling a nipple between her fingers.

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