Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 22

I like that because if i tell our captain that is your position, you will be included in our strategy meetings from this time forward. i would like you to be there." jake nodded and said, "sure.

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 26 – Wyn

Silverr caring nothing for the fates of queens and empires but enjoying the rough and tumble of police work, cat took advantage of the relative quiescence of the battle's aftermath to avoid airy's strategy meetings and instead return to her work of enforcing

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Bait & Bash

Before obsidian could inquire as to what volcan had in mind, since she had not been present for their strategy meeting they had made in preparation for this day, her ears suddenly twitched, and both she and rikyuu turned their gaze south, back in the direction

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Cold Blood 8: The End of Peace

It is that i know very little of armies or logistics or strategy or tactics, and so i asked many questions at the strategy meeting that luz feels i should not have asked. but ...

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