Zootopia: Brave New World - Aftermath

"it seems impossible, but this is what happened in front of the furs national bank, as two mammal who, believe it or not, had super powers, started to have a fight."

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Dining Out, Thinking In (Premium)

Tags: m/m, incest, semi-incest, rhino, stallion, orca, snake, supers, mind control, grinding, frotting, masturbation, public, clothes ripping, father/son, exhibitionism, erection, coiling, super powers,

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Dining Out, Thinking In (Standard)

Dining Out, Thinking In For Taiko By Draconicon Ford Sia. Wheeler. Keeper Creep. All three names meant something, but he was only supposed to be known by the first two these days. He had tried very hard to only be known...

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Zootopia: Brave New World - Things Getting Complicated

He said, and was about to go back to the talk, when clawhauser's voice came once more, and he said, "_their leader has super powers!

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Zootopia: Brave New World - Problem in Tundratown

"being smart is a super power?" jeff chuckled to himself as he heard the others around him make their commentaries and assumptions.

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Superhero 12

super power strong enough to bring the whole building down around their ears, if this went on long enough.

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Zootopia: Brave New World - The Bear, the Shrew, and the Raccoon

Pollard was walking around the place. He was glad that he was able to walk in a place normally without having to worry about the heat. There was snow everywhere, and he knew that he was supposed to be shivering in cold without some proper clothing,...

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I pulled the baseball cap further down over my eyes before moving on to take another sip of my beer. It was shitty beer from a shitty bar in a shitty part of town where people go to feel sorry for their shitty lives, and I was no exception. I had just...

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Zootopia: Brave New World - The Lightning Meets the Tornado

He walked back and forth, as he waited. It was a habit that he had developed years ago, since his youth, and that had already rendered him a lot of talk from the other people, all who claimed that he looked like a caged animal... Well, he could almost...

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Zootopia: Brave New World - Reunited

There were several seconds of silence in that room, as the two mammals in there looked at each other. The gazelle looked at the cougar, and the cougar looked back at the gazelle. Linda had always been a beautiful person. What suited her, because...

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Twilight Of The Gods (Chapter 1, Act1, Book2)

TWILIGHT OF THE GODS _ACT I:_ _BOOK II_ Silent Inquisition Unabridged Edition By: Kit & Khestra Karamak _**" ...they will perceive the Esoteric truths and comprehend their Creator's wisdom as is the capacity of man. As it is written."...

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Vallings Chapter Four: A Rift too far for Man to Cross

After I recovered from my initial shock I transferred the ribbon from its previous page to the one with the locket and my piano and placed the book on the shelf again. I then went to wash up with a really quick shower. I didn't want time to think, but...

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