Second Meeting Part 3

With the use of magic, the only limits really was their imagination, personal kinkiness and of course the willingness of their partner.

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Comfort in Sins Chapter 1

It's still a paper test, nothing involving the use of magic itself. "everyone!" the wolfen teacher announced. "please make sure to stay close to your group at all times and set a reminder to meet back at the entrance at 4 o'clock.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 1.2 Myrh

"biteleaf is dangerous up close, but effective use of magic should be able to cause it to withdrawal enough to rescue the laborers."

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Dragonheart Part 60

Natsu gasped, because this use of magical energy had exhausted him. he fell to the ground, where he then fell asleep immediately. pyro and hiita looked at him worried. "he's a real idiot." she said, laughing.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 5.2 Myrh

"not all observations require the use of magic, my friend." the priest responded casually, "sometimes merely paying attention can provide results far greater than any supernatural insight." the ocelot cocked his head to the side, "will you request that i not

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A Secret Bliss

We had no choice but to let the fury of our magic take its course, and wipe out all knowledge of us and the use of magic. it pained us so to do what we had to.

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The Book of Gaian Magic

-gaian flu- the gaian flu is like the common cold but inhibits the natural magic generation within a gaian wolf and blocks the use of magic.

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The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Magic (Appendix Sample 2)

These potions can be conveniently carried in small flasks on one's person in case of emergencies that may require extensive use of magic and, consequently, extended periods of exertion.

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Canid's Covered- Chapter #1

Allowing the wolf to sit down first before he did so, and once they had both sat down, myrval would look at corvan, his eyes watching the wolf, 'why is it that his use of magic is so fascinating to me?

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Blade Tail- A Duel Without Magic

It becomes quite clear that his opponent practically is used to fighting without much use of magic anyway. or at least not the kind of magic he'd rather not have to deal with.

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The Trap

The close use of magic awoke spira as she was sleeping curled around drako. since that night that drako asked to see her true form she has been in it more so than her other.

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