Is That Who I Think It Is?

Is that an english accent i hear in there? me and chip have to blend in. using my best, but believable english accent, i ask, "hi, uh, can i ask you something?" "sure." "where are we, exactly?"

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Unforseen Alliances, Chapter 1

You speak cyrrodillic with almost no trace of accent." "really?" said the human. "do most humans speak it with no trace of accent?" "no. everyone has a slight to thick accent. even those from the imperial city," talen explained.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 08: One-Night Stand, or Not

"i think your accent is hot." _wait... what?_ _i bet you got lots 'o chicks because of your accent_, he remembered max saying. his mind spluttered. was his accent really that hot? seriously?!

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Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 7

"it iz not needed," i said in english, thickening my accent. "are you sure?" he asked and i nodded. "thanks then. merci." his english accent almost mangled even that simple word. "you are welcome."


Nona: Chapter One: Kit Kat

"maybe i could take a dive on the diving board" kateylne said sounding slightly content in her southern ontario accent or what was called in her time, a nonaian accent. she got up and placed her towel back down next to the other towels.

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Chapter 4

"yeah, i don't hear the accent," staff sergeant bates spoke, "i was born in alabama and i have a thick accent." "an annoying one at that," sergeant woods sneered.

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Across the Rift 10

Fiona's light michigan accent as well as kit's valley girl accent would have changed to the military accent easily.

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When Creator Meet's His Creations

He just nodded his head and smiled at me "yep, it's me" he said with his sexy english accent, "but...but your not.... real". he gave me sad puppy dog eyes "then what am i doing standing here talking to you for?"

Survival - Chapter Five - Alive

She was really attracted to the british accent, she had always found british accents sexy. she looked over at grantan. his well built, powerful, but still slim and attractive body, his sense of humour, his personality.

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The Adventures of Davida Capricornia, Chapter 1

Aelius said, her roman accent not as noticeable as mrs. rossi. "without looking at the data, i can't make a confident assessment.

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A Soul to the Wind

I prayed my accent paid off. the two guards looked at me, silent eyes looking me over the guard on the left spoke in a heavy russian accent. "why?" "i must speak with him, it is urgent." "what is it about?" the guard on the right spoke.

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new job, new experience

Leron bowed to her and said "it's great to see you again mon sherri" leron said with more of his french accent "likewise however i keep thinking that you only like me for my legs" said the kanga with a half russian half australian accent 'yep that confirms

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