Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 22

_Mystic Heart Odyssey, Chapter 22. Sulyr was originally just supposed to be a one-off, single scene character, but he's honestly grown on me and I've developed some more ideas for him for later. (Including a short sequel or side story after the main...

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Tiles & Technicalities

Zanno grasped onto Wes' ample hips, using his considerable mass to his advantage as he returned the fervent kiss. He could feel the squirming mass within the fox's belly against the underside of his paunch, and...

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Their Chasm

So this was it. That fateful spot where his partner had last been seen. Chance looked down into the chasm. It was hard to judge its depth from the top. He knew how to calculate it, certainly. One doesn't teach physics for twenty years without learning...

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Bending the Rules

Cale sped through traffic on his smaller one seat hover bike, dodging and weaving between the larger craft in his lane. Today, or tonight he should say, was the big day. He'd finally broken his stretch of bad luck it seemed. Jobs were hard to come by...

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The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 7 - Inversions

It wasn't even as though the mouse really looked that much like uelo, though they both did share the same curiously androgyne appearance, it was something deeper than that, something which evaded his attempts to latch onto so he could begin the process of

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Filled with Regret (Ch. 12)

It was androgynously low, somehow fitting the hard-looking creature before them. the shimmer ended, and she was once again dark as the void between stars. her eyes were pale and blank, blind from cataracts... or from a lack of will to see.

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Unexpected Mates PT 7

The execution When he woke up, it was midday strapped to a table. The table started to rotate vertically and then, he was upright. It was an amphitheater that was packed for a public execution. He felt like the table rotated on a third direction....

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Seebi and the Tentacle Chapter 1

I walked through the forest, the soft moss squishing under my barefoot feet as the serene forest sounds calmed me. I never normally traveled along the floor of the woodsy jungle but I wished I had more often. Being a monkey, I'm more used to swinging...

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Bone Dust Chapter 1 (short)

The bed rocked hard slamming into the stained motel wall over and over as the anonymous wolf pounded the Jaguar boi again and again. Finishing quickly the wolf pulled out with a wet schlick and zipped up his pants. "Thanks," he muttered never looking...

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No, It Was Sex Deprivation

Your demon friend has definitely grown to liking you, or at least you hope they do. You've been playing with them for a good week or so, bringing them out as soon as the sun was past the horizon and letting them have their fun before you took control....

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A Boy, His Sister, and the Goo Is There, Too

Foreword: I bet you forgot all about me, watchers. Well, I'm back! And oh my god, it's a continuation of 'A Boy and His Goo'! For those of you who are new, this is part three. The first being the afore mentioned 'A Boy and His Goo' and the second is 'A...

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Chapter 1 An Experience

"Yo! What are you doing here? Looking to get rejected again?" The voice boomed behind him as his eyes grew wide. His heart thumping and picking up pace once again as his ears twitched from the all too familiar voice. His head turned slowly to the left...

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