A New Dawn - Chapter 39 (Final)

I spun round mid jump, spying a couple of wolves with were just coming through the archway and launched the burning mass at the archway i poured as much nen as i could into the center of the flames.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 29

The whole thing lit up, and after a moment, the air within the archway began to ripple and distort like rippling water.

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Behind the Curtain: Chapter X

When they stood before the archways alirik turned to her and held her gently by the shoulders as he spoke. "behind one of these archways is the necklace i gave you, another awaits a dagger, and one holds a lock of your lover's hair.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 16: Sanctuary, the Heart of Muriaj

They started from the bottom of each side of the archway, and lit up in sequence until the final, largest rune at the apex of the waygate began to shine.

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Kinktober 2018, Day 14 - To Serve a God

He stepped out onto the other side of an archway, though not the _same_ archway, many worlds away from where he had been before.

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The Wolf Hunters - Episode 9 - Animalkind

We turned left, and headed towards a large open archway. as we neared the archway at the end of the corridor, i could make out the view screen and a console.

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 5 -- The First Portal

They were in completely unfamiliar territory, and finally landed at a large gilded archway. much of the gold had been weathered away, exposing a steel frame. within the archway ran a hideous green field of energy. solar looked at it and snorted.

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The Summer of a life time: Chapter 5 - The Fire Festival

Looking down the middle of the bamboo archway you could see crowd's of furs in fire costume's of the gold and red colour.

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Blind Love: 1

Feeling a cool breeze flow along his left side he would turn into the archway that had been carved, a much smaller cavern having been hand crafted around an underground spring.

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Chapter 30: The Hidden Place

Tearing his eyes away, asres approached the panel on the shrine, beside which the archway stood.

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That's What I Like

Finally, he darted through the archway, throwing himself behind one of the fountains, and saw a world that he had never imagined.

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Black Silence 3

Abd al krim was clawing his way towards the archway in a vain attempt to escape. cole loaded another grenade and ran back a good distance and aimed his gun at the fractured area of glass.

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