The Breeder's Alpha pt 1

A quiet, gravel road wound its way right to the foot of a two story cabin in the Johto region. Its dark, wood finish matched the trees of the surrounding forest. Through the glass window of the front door, one could see Lucas sleepily nurse a cup of...

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A Demon's Pet

"Why the long face, darling?" Jamie's hackles went up, turning around to find a large goat standing over them. She had fur the color of a rainwashed sidewalk with long black horns coiling backwards behind and framing her thick copper-red hair. Her...

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Alpha to Omega

"Hey Mel, I don't know about this," Cain muttered into his friend's ear. Mel, a cougar much taller than the 5'6" caracal standing beside him, hissed back, "Quiet bro, I can hear them coming." Both felines' ears turned to the stairway as they heard...

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Caught By Coach

Admittedly, it made Angelo a little nervous to sneak on campus during a pandemic, but the danger of covid also didn't feel real. They closed all the schools a month ago, and the bored teenager had spent the last month spinning his wheels at home with...

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Always Read the Fine Print

Caleb followed in line up the stairs of Alpha Delta Omega frat house. The kangaroo freshman was one of the candidates for the frat house. Unlike the rest of the rushing freshmen in line, however, none of what went on in ADO's basement surprised Caleb....

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For the Love of a Red Lizard 2

C.J. gave the camera a toothy smile. The chubby but athletic beaver wore his backwards cap but nothing else. A tuft of blonde fur matching the hair on his head went down his round pecs, thinning, traveling down across his round navel to a thatch of it...

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From the Moment I Held You

Stephan lay on his back, staring at the stucco ceiling of his bedroom. The teenager chose the floor rather than his bed. Something about the stiff flatness of the carpet felt more relaxing than a mattress. Maybe he was just being dramatic. Was this...

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Bound Ch.11: A Network of Connections

Kyle woke on a padded operating table. Pain lanced his skull before he tried to grab it. His hands had been restrained. "Welcome, human," a voice, _Airok's_voice said. Standing over Kyle was Queen of Archay. Beside her stood a cobalt dragon. They...

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What Lichen Longed For

Lichen longed. What for eluded him--he did not know what else to describe the fleeting feeling. The tug in his chest to turn away, to leave. To look out over the trees to the westward mountains and imagine what existed behind them. The spotted hyena...

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After Class

Cline's was a dive in the basement under a hotel. A flight of stairs down into the pavement led to a darkened door--the inside windowless with dim lighting. Carnelian's cloven hooves enunciated her march to the door before she fell into the bar. It was...

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In Another Life Pt. 3

"Rothishel wait!" Liolyn had to jump out of bed to grab the dragon's tail before he reached the balcony. Still, the dragon being so much bigger than her, Liolyn was thrown off her feet before Rothishel slid to a top. She landed hard on her side, tile...

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Fiendish Delights

Stepping inside the cave, my nose wrinkled at the pungent scent. The fiend's lair certainly had his stink. Even if they didn't void themselves in their homes--not being savage enough to shit where they eat--the place reeked of the beast's acrid musk....

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