Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 105

Rufio and eric and all their chums had moved, and now all of them were dead, lying in the snow, their corpses surrounded by blooming red flowers as cold as the grave.

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The Lost Tomb of Ometeotl

What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time, my dear chum?" dave chuckled into the receiver, strolling into the dense jungles and back to civilization.


Love Is... Chapter 7

But because of that the vixen clearly found it hard to accept what martin himself had known from the very first time he met this pair of his girlfriend's old school chums. they were her friends, not his.

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Kesha vs Adventure Time

She put it in her mouth and chewed until it was a bloody chum, then spat it out on finn's face.

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From Elsweyr With Love (#7)

The two weren't exactly chums with a lot of the other officers, but losing two back-to-back - and in the same place yet. i've got pressure from below, asking questions.

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Coons and Theft 6

"first time for everything, chum." "don't call me chum." "whatever. anyway man, you wanna go get to your place and set it up? i got it furnished and computers should be devlivered.

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In Which Master Goat and the Famous Cock Part Company, Chapter 3/4

"course, i am, chum, who else would i be? you'll be ol' mr jackie, i take it?" "the very same! i believe we've met once or twice before, but it was so long ago that you probably don't remember.

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Chapter 1: Preferences

"hey, chum." rex heard from behind him. he turned around slightly, the mighty zekenator as he called himself stood by the railing. "so which do you prefer, pyra or mythra?" that came out of nowhere! "uh, zeke?"

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Carmine is still out there, and want him found turned to chum!" exclaimed lenny. lino had waited for the day when lenny became like him, and felt a burst of fatherly pride, which was soon replaced with sadness.

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Robinhood's Honeymoon

"sorry to interrupt your honeymoon chum but i think you should take it from here" littlejohn hands the reigns through the now open front window. gives robin a nod and walks down the road back toward the village.

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End Game - Chapter 21 - True Face Revealed

"your boyfriend and his angel chum. i was a little annoyed at first, but this paw has some features i quite enjoy." kari bit her lip and stood up straight. "i'm not going to run anymore gatomon. you're still my friend, and i know you won't hurt me."

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