Erlebnisse eines Urlaubs

Diese Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum meinerseits. Jegliche Veränderung und Weiterleitng ist nur mit meiner explizieten Genemigung erlaubt. Da diese Geschichte expliziete erotische Hadlung enthält ist diese nur für Personen die mindestens 18+ Jahre...

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Kampf der Götter II - Eine Reise sucht ihres Gleichen

Zu meiner rechten sehen sie cornel jack „tank hand" willam." „angenehm" sagte ice und streckte seine künstliche hand aus, womit er verwirrte gesichter erntete. „achja, die kennen die geste nicht.

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Failing Security

'_what you got for us cornel?_' asked one '_calm yourself boys, this one is plugged and locked so no fun, i just need to stick him in the spare cell._' '_oh the 'overflow' cell?

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Draykan's Test

While he waits, he keeps his eyes upon the scrying broadcast of the most recent battle between cornel and estrasa. while he should be cheering on his student, he finds himself wondering about the hermaphrodite dragon creature.

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Chapter 2- Fight or Flight

"this is lieutenant cornel skye, we're under attack and would like some assistance." i paused, waiting for a reply. "sir, our sensors indicate that they are charging their weapons." williams looked back.

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Fade to Black

"good girl, cornel." he said, giving the dragoness a new name to go with her new life, one that the dragoness adored, as it sounded much like her beloved coral.

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Watch dogs 5- Boot Camp

- you know my name-chris cornell "listen up, whelps. you have been brought here because someone thinks you will be useful.

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DA in...Castlevania Legacy of Darkness: Ancestral Love

He looked up and down da's body with a slight shiver, he gave a light growl and looked into the other's eyes with lust "...cornell."


Sexual (R)Evolution - Epilogue

#5 of sexual (r)evolution the end of darla and keila's adventures a delightful commission for cornel admiral jian waited for the new arrivals to find places, then sat behind hir desk as the celebration was beginning.

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Chapter 16 - Upgrades... Again?

"cornel skye, team black," skye saluted. "at ease skye, and please, morph back to your human forms, we need to get into the lab, we can explain what's happening as you get into your stations." the man replied.

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A hard Lesson

That was the soul principle that cornell blitz rufus lived by, you couldn't tell when shit was going to happen. but it was better to be the shit happening to someone else, than have it land on you.

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Kinktober Day Seven: Praise

. -- kinktober slot for cornel he knew that he had no place being in the ruins, but he also knew that no one had been brave enough to delve their depths before.

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