The Alpha's Consort Chapter 2

Quick authors note: If you notice Toothless acting or thinking OOC in this chapter, it is due to Hiccup's position as flock Alpha in this fic. There are times when his instincts take over and see Hiccup as the Alpha instead of his best...

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Izers Life 5: Army Slave Part 2

The helicopter landed close by and Medics piled out and ran over to the Stricken Lizard. Jess, Tanya, Lisa and one of the guys from the other group and stemmed his bleeding. Tanya worked hard to keep him awake and help him with shock. But he was...

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A Little Less Counselor...Chapter 14

If others knew that he had descended into any sort of hedonism, it would cause quite the stir in court. then again, he had already named his counselors his concubines, so there would be little new for the court to talk about, surely.

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Behind Locked Doors | Part 2

The grin on his muzzle was still there and i laughed to myself a bit as the court case went on. the next part was getting statements from the detectives, including detective bosh, just to say that they went through protocol.

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A Tale of Two Foxes (Book 1, Part 3)

The bear entered and took the stand, remained the oath, and court began again, the dark fox next to him: "where in the world have i seen this guy before... he looks all too familiar." "so, you know the witness how?"

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What Was Broken [2]

His first day in court is not exactly what he expected and leaves him a little rattled by the time all is said and done.

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The Trial of Sylvia Clements - Coevolution 016

"could you please tell the court your perspective of the situation?" "of course," val said, smiling slightly.

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Court Magician's Apprentice

They weren't the only mages there, of course-- most of the diplomats had their own court wizard who had used their skills to get them to elkine faster. finn's father had his own court wizard, though he wasn't always around.

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The Court of The Padded King

The Padded King began his steady siege of the Digital World only two weeks ago and in this small window of time has brought an estimated 40 percent of the Digiworld's inhabitants under his control. Where he comes from, what he, or it, looks like and...

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[Commission] In Need of Courting

She'd been hoping for a dragon to court her, hoping for a companion, hoping for a _master,_ for quite a while now--years really!

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The Mongoose Court: Introduction

Anyway, the mongoose court, a series starring prince saunak, with a great deal of fun, sex, and humor. enjoy this introduction to the world. the mongoose court introduction "mmmm, now that is why i keep you, devdan. excellent job."

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