Walmart Digi-Blast : RUN LIKE HELL !!

Ryudamon said (digimon digital monster digimon are the champion) ryudamon digivolve to !


Chapter 16: Recovery

"and thus it was called digivolution or digivolve." al concludes the explanation. "but i was digivolved, i turned into what?" "well if you're an agumon then you turned into greymon." rapidmon answered his question.

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 17 Unexcpected Suprise

digivolving?] tyler was getting slightly amaller and it seemed that he got a new set of armor. tyler had finished with his digivolution, michael couldn't unerstand how he could digivolve.

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Joel's Renamon chapter 2

"ok kid those blue ones will digivolve you're digimon to a higher level, but those red ones, well they warp digivolve them, got it?" "yeah i got it." he put the cards back into his card pouch.

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This new transformation caused indramon to stop in his tracks and stare in shock.â€s-she digivolved!†indramon said aloud without realizing it.

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Unenlightened 5

I asked "we find out how to use the digivice,and then we can unlock the secrets of getting me to digivolve. but there are requirements.

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digimon: its about time we met

" " roger" ( digimon digital monsters digimon are the champions) " lunamon digivolve to lekismon" ( digimon we fight to win, we fight to win .

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Blood in the Moonlight 3

He vowed that when he digivolved to champion he would take neodevimon's place at her side. he remembered vividly the day he had digivolved into devimon.

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The Lost Digimon - 2003 version

"peter, digivolve toooooo!!" a huge flash surrounded me. something weird was happening.

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A Bird and a Dragon - Chapter 1

Eventually, patamon digivolved into angemon, making hawkmon very happy. hawkmon: wow! i'm surprised you digivolved before _me!_ angemon: i'm surprised too, buddy! anyways, wanna head down to the colosseum, now? hawkmon: yeah!

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 10 Look Who's Back!

''from my little questoning i've come to conclusion that digimon don't usually get to digivolve this fast. most of these guards here could be considered 'young-teenage-human-kids'.

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Solipsism XI - Explicit

"digivolve!" he nodded and scanned a card, and i digivolved raia and renamon over my mental link. i looked around, finding them behind me. they rushed past me to the massive snake as he emerged from the wreckage.

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